Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve 2009 is a Full, Blue Moon Eclipse

Today's New Years eve, going into 2010 is a full, blue moon eclipse.

What a wonderful gift it is, this energy moving us forward into a new year of miracles manifesting in our lives and leaving the old behind us.
As I look out into the yard at the old barn, thrilled with the prospects of what is to come, my heart is filled with gratitude for everyone and everything in my life. I've said many times in the past years that this one is going to be the best year yet but this year it is so different. I am on the brink of something really grand about to happen in our lives. I have manifested many wonderful things this year and know that the best is yet to come. This full/blue moon energy has me dancing on the snow covered deck around this beautiful house in the woods as I am certain that 2010 will be a year of fast turn arounds and a bounty of cherished ordeals.
Follow your heart today and close your eyes. . .dream your dreams as they are right around the corner, waiting for you to arrive to complete the scene that is in your minds eye. . and may God bless each and everyone one of us through this decention into our positive futures. . .
Happy New Year. . . . 2010

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snowfall of December

Happy December, it is 1 degree outside today and it is wonderful to look out my front window and see a forest. . .
The move went very well considering everything and the time of year. I'm not quite settled but that will happen in the winter months ahead. News from my oldest son, they are joining me for the Christmas Yule holidays and my little family will be together to ring in the most cherished holiday of the year, Christmas, Oh happy day.
The days move very fast out here in the quiet of the woods. My days zoom past until it is time to leave for work and I so look forward to those days that I do not have to leave home to participate in the outside world.
Have a Merry Merry Holiday season, be safe and may God bless you with everything you have dreamed for. . .
as for me I am working on a new ebay store front, what do you think about Primitive Hallow for a name?
until next time. . .

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