Thursday, August 25, 2016

Summer Slowing to a Close with the Full Moon Eclipse

Wow, it's August 25th and summer is coming to a close since the Full Moon Eclipse last week.
Much time has been spent working more than full time, attempting to keep up with the lawn care, garden growth and orders in my ETSY shop. It's already time to start to clean out the garden, I still have about one round of tomatoes to pull and have cooked down 3 pots of sauce to get me through the next few months.

Time is moving very fast these days since the full moon eclipse and many things in my life have come into new light. Some issues I have had with friends and co-workers are now in a completely different light or a whole new perspective. Even though the picture is now very clear, some of it not to my liking but the truth in all areas has finally showed itself. There is much disappointment but on the same hand I now feel it's all been revealed and  I am more confident about what the future holds for these relationships and the paths I need to follow have been illuminated before me. It was like awakening from a dream one morning where all the questions I had where clear as the light of day.

It is time to move forward and change the scenarios that have made me unhappy or uneasy in the past and knowing the truth of the circumstances has really been an eye opener. Eclipses are wonderful for that even though it's not always the way you  anticipated things turning out, you now have the insight to change a situation. I Thank my spiritual guides for helping me to understand the root of my unease. For now I am able to do my forgiveness work & move the tides in the right direction. I just need the energy to help me get it all this done before the snow starts to fly and everything comes to a screaming halt for the winter.

Have you ever read The Shack by Wm Paul Young? I finally just did and what a beautiful book.

So back to work, there is much to do this day. . .

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you received some clarity about your life and immediate goals as well. . .

Many blessings. . .

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