Have you ever noticed that when the people around you have nothing to say of interest or it's just nonsensical BS coming out of their mouths. Sometimes they are extremely vindictive and critical? Everywhere you turn there is another one? This is called running out of energy road and you know that soon you'll be moving on. So I set my intention for what I want my new life to look like from a birds eye view. It's defiantly going to take some work and alot of manifesting to get there but I am ready energetically, to go and not look back. How did that song go, I'm seeing things leave through my rear view mirror??? Yeah! I can't wait until that becomes my reality.
Living here has been an experience I must say and since I learn very quickly I'm ready to go. I'm moving further north, (moving the New Moon in September) to a quiet town of 1100 people where community is still a real place to be. Where the Fire Department still has their Annual Cook out and everyone brings a dish to pass. They have a carnival, pony rides, a small band plays all day long, there is a fire hose competition, and a flea market right in the center of town.
This place is a small town nestled between Amish farms so there is no pollution or chemicals being admitted into the air causing health difficulties or harm to our gardens, well being or sanity unlike
where I'm at now.
This is Pumpkin Jack and our good olde stand by
from the Witches Wardrobe, The Spell Dress that
you will find on eBay right now on Auction. The Spell
Dress is also on my ETSY site so getum while they
last as these normally move very fast.
There's a few small towns around in close proximity to the residence I will occupy so finding work shouldn't be to difficult and I always have the fall season to craft and sell on eBay and ETSY so financially everything will be just fine.
My family is not thrilled about this latest adventure but I am only 2 hours away from them and a girl has to do what makes her happy. So here I go. . .
As soon as I'm up and running again I'll let you all know
In the mean time enjoy the rest of the summer and Merry September. Check me out at eBay under Oakridge prims and my etsy store is on the side column.
many blessings