Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Earth Project

Have you ever wanted to do something so bad it makes your teeth ache? I have been attempting to fix the storms that consistently attack the area that I live in. Besides wanting to be successful as a primitive artist and an awesome restaurant manager, I truly want to help Mother Earth in her ascension which in turn will help us down our own path of ascension. So when I received an email invitation from Jennifer Hoffman, to join a group to help Mother Earth in her healing and ascension process, of course I jumped on it. After the first conference call, which was completely awesome as to the information received about the earths weather systems, HARRP, nuclear disasters about to take place and how we, as light-workers, joined together, are capable of making a huge difference in the ascension process of the earth and our ability to help heal the earth planet. The energy felt from this call was so magnificent that I was reduced to tears by the end of the call. I do not have the capacity to put into words, how this project makes me feel, knowing that this union of like minded people are able to bring about much needed change, not just for the planet but for mankind as well. Everyday is an adventure of unconditional love and gratitude which fills my cup like nothing I have ever done before in my entire life. Her mailing brought nearly 1000 people together from all over the globe and I can not wait to see the outcome of this most wonderful group of healers of which I am honored to be engaged in such a loving project. 
with love and light. . .

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