Monday, December 5, 2011

December is closing fast. . .

December is here and the selling season for Ebay is nearly at it's seasonal end.
The Yule tree has been decorated for the celebration, as the wheel of the year turns and the solstice will soon begin.
This month always brings me to the shutting down of my creative persecutes with anticipation of the "New Year, New Start" mentality as it seems. And as I sit back with a book in my comfy chair, tending the fire that burns in the fireplace, watching flames dance, as if in their own sort of celebration, across the logs, I dream of the many things I drew out in my tablet but never had time to either finish or start to create, I am always reminded of how time flies past when you are forced to sell yourself for an hourly wage to keep above the fast moving waters that rush our lives along.

Pretty soon I will endure, yet another birthday and I really have to wonder where this river of motion is taking me. I enjoy my life and the ability I have to not only be successful in my work but to create my primitive artistry which supplements my income, or at least pays for all the junk I purchase to afford to craft my days away. And then I have to wonder. . . What! Is the question? As I look back through my picture albums of the things spirit has guided me to create, I am filled with a child like's one of gratitude and unconditional love for the forces that push me along this path, being ever so grateful for sooo many wonderful things in my life. I soulfully appreciate every healthy day I spend, mindlessly crafting, staying in the present and loving the gifts of this life.

So as I anticipate another year of learning, growing and expressing myself through my primitive artistry my heart swells with the excitement and wonder to see what gifts are laid before me in the year come. I'll look forward to it and start my planning with great pleasure as this will be one spectacular year indeed. 2012!!! WOW!!!

Energies of December

The Energies of  December    

If November wasn't enough to make you wonder what is happening to your life and to the world, it isn't time to get too comfortable yet because December brings us another round of energy for completion, release and closure. Whenever a month opens with an active Mercury retrograde, between an eclipse sandwich, with a Solstice, we can expect big things. Notice I said 'big' things, not 'good' or 'happy' or 'easy' things. There is some big energy in play this month and while we still have free will, we are being pushed to make conscious choices about who we are, what want, what we are doing and where we want to go next.

Mercury retrograde ends December 13 at the degree of the November 25 eclipse point. Just before that, we have a full moon lunar eclipse on December 10, anchoring the choices and decisions made in the previous two weeks. We also have a Star of David configuration with the full moon, repeating patterns from 1996, 1997 and the Harmonic Convergence of November 2003. Is something being repeated you started or thought you had completed then? Don't be surprised if you have to re-do, re-think or re-consider a choice or decision you made as early as the beginning of November or in 1996. You may, after re-considering, decide to do something different. Be open to new and different choices now, as it is time to release ourselves from the beliefs that have limited out options to what we know is possible. The Universe often has more creative solutions, if we are open to them.

December's energies are intense and that is partly because on one hand we have been releasing so much (or it has released itself from us) that we can feel unbalanced, and on the other hand we are being separated from the energy of chaos and fear and have to make the conscious choice to be in a different energy. This can feel like we're out at sea without a boat or a paddle and in one sense we are but we're also in a powerful place of creation, where we get to choose each step on the path. It's exciting but requires our constant focus on intention. What do we want in this step, and the next, and the next?

By the end of December, we are in a rare time when every planet is in direct motion, just in time for us to usher in 2012, a year of great promise, potential, possibilities and power, as long as we work with conscious intention to stay on that course. This is the moment we have been waiting for and we have to act like we're there now, because we are. Remember that your journey is part of your path, so make choices to own the joy, love, peace and abundance you want in your life. It's there for the asking, as long as you don't forget to ask, believe and then be willing to receive. Have a wonderful month.

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This post was taken from the Urielheals Newsletter written by Jennifer Hoffman. I felt it important to share it in it's entirety.

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