Monday, December 6, 2021

Miracles Happen When you Least Expect it

 Miracles Happen When you Least Expect it

Just Now!

I have not been able to get into this blog for 3 years. Oh, I could search it & see that it exists but could not sign into it. . . so after an entire year of attempting to regain access I finally started a new blog. So this morning while signing into my new blog, much to my surprise,  this one opened up.  So how does this happen I might ask?  Well I could suppose that it is time for me to revisit the past, maybe to complete some healing that I overlooked as the energies have shifted and Venus is moving  into our perspective again or that just yesterday I asked the Universe to help me to change my perspective as I felt like I was out of touch with who I am. I always said that every new day brings a new adventure and this is proof that it's still true. I am thrilled to have access to this blog once again, it was like opening an old chest full of joyful treasures & lost memories and I can't wait to see what gifts the Universe has in store for me tomorrow. Looking forward to my creativity returning to me once again, I feel extremely blessed today ♥ I just can not put into words, the happiness I am feeling right now, which is the first time since my last move almost 3 years ago

Until next time

Many blessings to you through this wondrous Holiday season ♥

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