Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Create Peacefulness

Throughout society today there is matter of rushing to and from which has become a place of turmoil in today's lifestyles. Among the chaos there are still people who care to create a peaceful place to lay our heads at the end of the day. A place where healing begins after the stresses of the day have ceased and tranquility takes over. Away from the busy world and cares of the day.

I am not a blogger in the real sense of the word but I do have a few things I would like to put out there and see how many people are drawn to my way of thinking. I don't believe in coincidence, I trust that everything happens for a reason and that most of the time it is because we carelessly have manifested it into our lives. What people don't realize is that "thoughts become things" and whether you are thinking good or bad thoughts eventually those things come to you. I have learned that the universe doesn't know the difference between good and bad thoughts and just brings us whatever we dwell on. So, I went on a crusade, an adventure where I chose to only think good thoughts. Well, low an behold, good things started happening in my life.

This matter of "free will" someone should have given us a handbook on how the universe works when we came into this world. Instead we came in and had to follow all these preset rules as far as religion, education, working hard to be able to have anything in life, being faithful, truthful etc. I never gravitated toward religion, I always felt there was more that they weren't telling. It's a nice story, the bible but there are too many missing episodes. And the working real hard to get anywhere. I killed myself all my life and got no where except to my next pay check. You have to have an education to make it in this world. Really? There are plenty of self made millionaires who have had only minimal schooling.

And faithfulness and truthful well they are admirable ethics but I know liars and cheats and they are doing just fine in their own little worlds. So we'll just skip over the details for now. They have taught me the most important lessons in my life and I chose to not partake in their lives any longer. My understanding of this universe ends there as I have no clue why they are even here unless it's to teach the rest of us a lesson on "how not to be"

So I create peacefulness. I am a hypnotherapist to help people to be able to be calm without pharmaceuticals. To quit smoking and loose some weight so they could live a little longer, healthier life. To teach them how to relax, meditate to learn more about themselves and handle the daily stresses. I also love to give away links to my favorite sites.

I love to create french bed dolls and primitive crafts to earn extra money which helps to provide my own sense of calm within my life. I work with a friend making natural soap, body butter and soy candles. You can visit us at

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