Sunday, June 8, 2008

Balancing of Chakras in a Silence Meditation

The benefits of meditation have long been recognized to promote health and well being. Through meditation we are able to increase our flow of energy with the universe and bring our selves to a place of calm and union with our higher self. Some of the benefits are that meditation opens and balances all the chakras, allowing our energy to flow and promotes grounding and a sense of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connection. It calms and clears the mind and slows our respiration and heart rate.

Silence Meditation

Focus on the vibration of the Crown Chakra, the sound of silence, for three long, slow deep breaths. Sit or lie down in any comfortable position, eyes closed. Begin your journey up the back of the spine as you visualize your chakras spinning like a wheel and clearing. Feel the vibrations of;
  • Deep Red Root energy and the sound of o; focus on it's essence, safety. Feel safe
  • Orange Sacral energy and the sound of ooo; focus on the essence, creativity. Be creative
  • Bright Yellow Navel Solar Plexus energy and the sound of ah; focus on its essence, willpower. Trust your power
  • Emerald Green Heart energy and the sound of ay; focus on its essence, Love. Know love
  • Turquoise Throat energy and the sound of ee; focus on its essence, expression. Express yourself
  • Indigo Third Eye energy and the sound of om; focus on its energy, intuition. Welcome intuition
  • Diamond-white Crown energy and the sound of silence; focus on its essence, union. Unite with the Divine

Breathe deeply and reverse the journey, bringing the energy from the Crown Chakra down the front of the spine. Visualizing them spinning like a wheel, faster and faster until the color is clear. Now sit quietly for a few minuets and focus on your breath as you breath in and out slowly from the belly. Feel yourself filled with gratitude for the healing you have experienced.

I hope you've enjoyed this mini series on Chakra clearing and balancing. Until next time,

with love and light. . .


Anonymous said...

What a great site!I will have this in my favorites for sure.
Gayle Pokorny

Unknown said...

You have wonderful posts on meditation I enjoy reading them. You are also a great artist.

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