Friday, June 20, 2008

Chakra Mediation

This week I'd like to introduce you to a Throat Chakra Meditation. Remember that the Throat Chakra is associated with communication whereas when balanced it assists us with the ability to communicate verbally, in writing or with our creativity. We are able to speak our truth, in a supreme sense. We feel balanced and centered, creatively inspired and able to express ourselves appropriately. It helps us to overcome low self esteem, frustration, dishonesty, excessive talking and shyness. The color is light blue or turquoise. I like to think of it as blue topaz, clear and serene. Let's get started

Chin Press Breath
  • Sit with the spine comfortably extended. Eyes closed
  • Inhale to the count of 5, hold it to 3, exhale completely. Inhale through the nose to the count of 5, hold it to 3, exhale through the mouth
  • Lift the breastbone and press your chin into your chest while inhaling. Suspend the breath for 3 to 5 seconds
  • Lift your chin from your chest while you exhale through the mouth allowing the breath to pass through the vocal cords accompanied by sound (ahhhh)
  • Repeat the movement several times in coordination with the breath
  • Visualize cleansing crystal clear blue energy opening the gateway to true communication
  • Continue for one to three minuets

"I am able to hear the voice of my soul"


  • stimulates the thyroid and regulates metabolism
  • stretches the muscles at the back of the neck to release tension
  • improves willpower and concentration
  • promotes a sense of inner peace

This is a marvelous meditation before going on a job interview or meeting with clients as it helps you to clear the throat chakra and focus on your communication skills. I find it helpful to prerecord a meditation in your own voice as you go through it, this enables you to use the tape as a guided meditation so you don't have to memorize it. The easier it is, the more use you'll make of it until it becomes second nature to you.

I hope you enjoyed this meditation and use it often. till next time. . .

with love and light

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though I don't have the opportunity to visit often enough, I have enjoyed your site and the contents. Thank you for sharing....


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