Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Anyone?

Oh my, it's nearly Valentines Day isn't it? Time has just slipped past me as I have begun a new job and attempting to finish up some old business.
When we think of Valentine's Day, we seem to gravitate to those years when we were lavishly bathed in roses and candy, maybe a candle lit dinner with that oh so special loved one.
But what happens when the cards are on the shelves and that special someone is no longer in your life? Does it make you feel sad, hurt, angry, alone or discontent with the situation? Or are you happy in your life, being who you are and feeling loved in spite of the fact that there isn't anyone to buy you a card or candy this year.
Well, I too have given this much thought, and you know, it's all good for me at this point in my life. But then I have come a very long way in the past four years spiritually and I know that I am loved even if there is no card or candy.
If there was someone who left your life abruptly, or someone you hold onto with anger, I'd like you to close your eyes and see them as you remember them. Think about what they did that hurt or upset you, the reasons why you are no longer together. Now, I'd like you to think of when you were with them and they made you happy. Do you feel the difference? You need to forgive them and let go. More importantly, you need to forgive yourself so that you are able to move forward. You don't have to forgive the actions but forgive the person and feel all that love come back to you. Feel the happiness and lightheartedness that is yours to enjoy forever because you know that it was a life lesson and even though you may not see the lesson now, know that you will, sometime soon, because you were able to forgive and let go. Look into your heart, forgive and set yourself free. It's time. Forgiveness is the best gift you could give yourself. Then work on the life you look forward to in the near future.
Happy Valentine's Day and God bless

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