Friday, March 20, 2009

Twists and Turns

Ahh, Life does take it's twists and turns doesn't it.
As the New Moon brings to us the newness of life in itself and a time to reflect yet again the twists and turns of our lives. As we sit back and watch as the end of an era has passed before us and people have gone other places or home to God we look around in the wonder of what this new year will actually bring forth as it begins to unfold. For me it has been a huge transformation both spiritually and emotionally as I let go completely of the past and move into the unknown future. I have no expectations of what this life will deal me in my next hand, only knowing and trusting that the future is a journey I am looking forward to. As we go and grow through our transitions in this life time we are able to look back with a positive knowing, that the learning in the past has brought us through to this place we find ourselves, in the now.
A new president with a totally different outlook on how this country should be run, a more accepting of spiritual interests has made it's way to the surface in our culture and a time of self. To focus our interests on what makes us the person we are and the direction we want to go in, in our lives. We are spiritual beings of light having a human experience, I truly believe that with all my heart. Grounded in my heart chakra there is a love for all mankind, no matter what they present themselves to be, I still see them as they are, wonderful expresions of life, as they live on to light the way for anothers healing, the journey goes on.
So I leave you today with the thought. . .knowing that you are spirit, and are capable of doing or being anything that you could imagine, who are you. . . look deep within your soul. . .

with love and light . . . .

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