Sunday, May 31, 2009

Returning to Excellence

Returning to Excellence is where I find myself on my journey into the unknown.
I have been absent for a time, staying in a most wonderful lake house in Wisconsin, enjoying the sunsets, watching spring come into bloom and working a full time position again. The respa from the normal life I had come to know, was a true gift in every sense of the word and the time I spent away from the place I call home has changed as well.
I have moved into the city, the noise pollution and busy streets, trains, etc. is a different life all together. I have to wonder if I'll find a parking spot for my pickup truck on a daily basis, then move it in two hours if I arrive home before 6pm. Oh the joy of city life. . .
I can remember sitting in the dinning room of my country place, looking into the painting on the wall of an Italian Villa, and wishing I could be in that place. . . so
it ends up that the apartment I rented is that Villa, only it is placed above the store we rent in Burlington, which is what I was manifesting for a year ago. As my life shifts and takes turns down avenues I have not gone down before, my life is a true adventure and now that I am moved I look forward to getting my art studio put back together so I will be able to get back to my art work. Before I know it the fall of the year will be just around the bend and the rush for the Christmas season will be upon us. I look forward to my joint venture with my friend at Oakridge Primitives and filling our store (Essential Pleasures) with more fun seasonal decor, soaps, candles and all the fun things that make our world a wonderful place to be. Stop in and visit us at 557 N. Pine Street in Burlington, Wisconsin should you happen to be in the area, we would love to visit with you and warm your heart with our treasures.

with love and light. . .
till next time

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