Sunday, June 7, 2009

Getting Settled into Burlington

I hope you've been enjoying the relatively nice weather. Wisconsin has been a little cold at night but it sure makes for good sleeping.
Our shop is doing pretty well for the state of this economy and our building sign will be ready soon so Essential Pleasures will soon have it's grand opening, the plans are in the making and will be announced as soon as it arrives. This is like starting all over again.

I moved into town and have been setting up my new apartment in this very old building but it has been a true adventure. I'm looking forward to getting everything complete so that I am able to get my art studio back up and running as I really miss my creative space.
I was forced to take a full time job again and it has been most time consuming after working only three days a week and selling my creations but the future is looking bright. Soon things will start to fall into place and the summer time always brings a newness to my artwork. Being upstairs from the store is a real treat too. It's nice to know I may wonder downstairs and be at the store anytime I care to do so. I have been so blessed with the ability to see my dreams come into view and to be surrounded by some of the most wonderful friends and family any entity could ever ask for.
I have also been studying the effects of dehydration on the human body and the illness it causes. We are much like the planet we live on and require much water to maintain our health and happiness here on earth. Did you know that dehydration is the number one aliment of the human body? The effects of dehydration cause so many ills but the trick is to have properly pH balanced alkaline water with small enough molecules for the body to be able to absorb the water properly. Most of the water we are drinking is dead water. . .so we aren't really getting any benefits from it and We are filling up the dumps with billions of plastic water bottles a year. With all the chemicals to keep down the bacteria in our water supply, our bodies are unable to absorb it to become fully hydrated. Dr's. know that we need more water and tell us to drink it but most of the water available to us in inadequate and is not keeping our dehydration under control. In my next few articles, I will go into this subject in more detail to help educate you on the effects of dehydration, the symptoms, and the deceases that are caused from dehydration. I think it's time we all start looking for ways to cut our health care costs and find ways to get more healthy through natural healing or your doctor will prescribe another medication for you that will just cover the symptoms up and never cure your ills. I am certain that you will enjoy the next few articles on water and learn enough to set you in the right direction.
until then. . .
with love and light

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