Monday, June 21, 2010

Merry Midsummer Solstice

Merry Midsummer Solstice to each and everyone one. . .
June 21st marks the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere and a day much celebrated around the globe. This is the longest day (shortest night) of the calender year. This is a day of new beginnings, reminding us that it is the sun that brings forth life. A day for celebrations. Celebrate by tending and nurturing your planets today and sew the seeds of the future. A bon-fire is traditional on this day and strengthens the balance between light and dark. This is the night that the fae or "little people" dance in celebration for the sun god and pay tribute to Litha.
Midsummer Solstice always paints this picture in my mind and brings joy to my heart.
Another strong aspect this week is the lunar eclipse on the 26th, which is known as the Grand Cross, in astrological aspects which forces change. What needs to change in your life? Notice in the next six months how this aspect has pushed you to change, giving up things from your past, clearing the way. The eclipse holds messages for each of us, be open to receiving as you move towards your ascension path.
A message on verbal power;
Do you understand the power of your words and how they effect everything around you? One gift we all brought here with us is the power of manifestation. Everything you talk about comes into view and shows up in your world. Think before you speak. Align yourself with who and what you want to project into your reality as the power of your words is bringing it all about.
I'll leave you with that for now, enjoy the solstice and lunar eclipse.

with love and light. . .

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