Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Samhain

Happy Samhain or Halloween as most people call it.

Either way it is the day before All Saints Day, and it is when the veil is lifted between the worlds. So if you experience any spirit contacts today, don't be too alarmed by them as they are visiting us while the veil is transparent.

Samhain is the Witches New Year and starts the turning of the wheel all over again. It is the day that we remember and honor those who came before us, those who left their legacy in form of our family traditions, sayings and for some, habits. As we look back at our lives with our families I am certain you are able to find many delightful celebrations, Halloween being one of them. This is a day that the while whole U.S. celebrates it and most people don't even understand why since it is not taught in Christianity. Just know that our fore fathers are watching over us and it's time to celebrate their lives and ours.

Samhain means, "summers end" in the Celtic world and is celebrated with bon fires and apple dunking. However you celebrate Samhain, Happy Hallows Eve, do it with joy . . .

Blessed be. . .

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