Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Harvest Vacation Tyme

Over the last couple of weeks I have been on vacation from my regular full time job and have had the pleasure of spending some much valued time with my best friend and business partner, Vicki, of Oak Ridge Primitives. Together we laughed until we cried, created some winter artwork and came up with many new ideas to help us build a quality line for this fall and winter. Vicki does the craft faires and markets during the weekends, we still sell most of our fall and winter line on eBay. This business has really meant allot to both of us, not only for the financial aspects of it but because we are able to brainstorm and come up with some really neat stuff. EBay allows us to showcase our creations and sell them all over the world which is something that we find most attractive as artists.

Our logo is "Where hand & Spirit come together" and I really have to say that the creations offered on our site are just that. We were talking just today and she asked me how I did the eyes on "Sonja" the snow flake girl, which I finished this morning. I told her, "You know, sometimes I just don't know how I'm going to do it and I push ideas around as if I'm talking to someone, then I sit down to accomplish it and that's exactly what happens, it gets accomplished, and sometimes I can't even say that I, personally am responsible for it." It's as if there is someone else working with my hands because I really don't know how I would come up with some of these things that I manage to do. And with much joy and gratitude I finish them and take pictures to get them listed on eBay for auction. Creating is truly a gift.

These last two weeks have been a wonderful reminder that "hand and Spirit" do work together and I am so grateful to be the vehicle of expression for spirit to work through. And so before I go back to the daily grind once again, I will finish the rest of my work and list them tomorrow.

On the left hand side of this blog there is a link to Oak Ridge Primitives eBay auction, please take the time to take a look. . .and enjoy our lives with us. . .

with love and light. . .

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