Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks for checking in for my greeting.

As the holidays speed up our lives we sometimes feel a little too stressed with all the running and meeting with friends and family. The holiday parties, company gatherings and such. Then the weather starts to become overbearing as we rush to reach our destinations. Travel gets out right dangerous as we slip and slide our way around to get the shopping finished. And sometimes it becomes more of a hassle than an enjoyment. This is when we need to just stop and breath. Take in the magic of the season by slowing down just a bit, taking it easy and knowing that you will finish all your tasks before the deadline. I sit back and remember all the years I spent doing all of the above and the days now seem more filled with enjoying the magic and the miracles that I see around me each and everyday. There was a time that I didn't see it. Being much too busy in my steadfast journey of getting it all done. One thing I learned through it all was that, in the end, I finished! I did it! And I won!

Now it's more about watching others go through what I had and there is a certain satisfaction in knowing the difference between enjoying and living in the moment opposed to rushing my way through it. I am so grateful for the miracles I see manifesting around me every single moment of the day and all I can say is, "Thank you Lord for allowing this most wonderful opportunity, to live this wonderful and beautiful life and to experience the love that flows around me."

Take time to be "in the moment" and enjoy your lives because they pass you by much to quickly. There is no regaining that moment once it's gone and you need to be present to receive this most beautiful gift. Most of all be grateful for everything in your life. . .

and remember to breath. . . it's God's greatest gift. . .

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for visiting me today. . .blessed be

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