Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter

Wow, another month rushing by us as Easter is upon us this Sunday, tomorrow.
Mercury will complete it's retrograde cycle this day at 1:56 CST and allow us to move forward with our dreams, plans and everyday lives. I can not wait to see where we are headed now as this is a most magical year indeed.
As gas prices continue to climb I have to wonder how we will make adjustments to our travel plans for the summer. When I was raising my family, sometime all the money we had was to take a short road trip and enjoy the energy of another place besides home. Now a days, even that short trip will take more money than we had to spend in the first place. It will be interesting to see how this all works out and where we will all land when this dust storm has ended.
On a lighter note, we should all continue to seek our higher selves, going within as often as possible, to enjoy the dreams we create for ourselves. Daily meditation is the key to controlling, hunger, stress and negativity so take the time for yourself, enjoy a few minuets a day to release the non-happiness going on around you. Breath. . .deep. . .to the count of ten. . . bringing the energy from the earth, up your legs, though your body . . . hold it. . .now upon release, ground yourself with mother earth. . . making a circle of white light around you with your breath, about the parameter of your arm span. . . good, take in another breath. . . taking it in, this time from the top of your head. . . bringing it down your shoulders. . . body. . . legs. . .feet and upon release, add to your circle of light. . . now on this intake, from both sides, both feet and head. . . taking in this cleansing energy. . . then letting it out very slowly. . . taking you to your special place. . . stay there as long as you like. . . taking in the God energy and manifesting your future.
Have a blessed Easter. . .

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