Monday, May 2, 2011

Winds of Change

With the incumbent weather we have been experiencing of late I know that I am not the only one who feels that the winds of change are blowing as well.
My room mate moved out last week and I find myself joyfully alone. It'll be interesting to see  how things pan out. I love the place where I dwell and hope that I may be able to generate enough extra income to stay here. My artwork has taken on a new and different look as well. The images that float through my head are very, let's say, out of sort for my usual work.
That's not all of the change that's going on though. It appears that the planetary aspects are in alignment to bring about much more change. Obama spoke of change all during his election process but few of us understood his message. Most of the changes in government have not been what we, as the American people expected because it hasn't been for the betterment of us as a whole. And all the troubles around the globe has left us with a giant compassion vortex that has opened where there doesn't appear to be an end to all the grief in the near future. But what this vortex has done is bring our love for others to the surface and that is where we need to focus ourselves. In the love for others as well as ourselves. Outside our families and extend that love across the entire universe allowing all to heal and to bask in it's glory. This is true unconditional love as it is meant to be and when we reach out and share our love for others we are in unity with God's purpose for our lives and existence.
Many more changes will come to pass and as we sit and dream to manifest our future, remember to include those who really need our love, prayers and energies of healing.

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