Monday, May 23, 2011

May Storms in the Midwest

There was a terrific storm front that blasted it's way through SE Wisconsin last night.  As I watched the storm clouds move in at work I went outside to take a closer look at the situation. Winds at approximately 70 to 80mph nearly lifted me right off my feet so I scurried to get closer to the building while I watched it go from just windy to total darkness. The lightning lit up the skies like the forth of July but there was an eerie message being carried on this wind and I can tell you that it was not a friendly greeting at all.
Burlington, WI and much of SE WI saw tornadoes and the end result was what is left of my barn today. Another storm like that one, will take out what is left of it as the  north east corner of the foundation is giving way and the rear side of the barn has a huge buckle in the barn boards, which shows the stress it is under, while it tries to hold onto what is left of the roof.
There was much activity in the universe yesterday, Iceland's volcano erupted again which was the last newscast I saw before the storm rolled in.
Our planet is going through a series of healing tremors and I don't believe we have seen the last of this transformation. I will send healing energy and love to all those effected by this storm, I ask you to please join me and meditate for a few minuets everyday, to help heal our beautiful planet. Together we can do this. . . TY
with love and light

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