Monday, May 16, 2011

So Many Idea's, So Little Time, Meet Debealia Bunne'

May's full "Pink" moon is heading in on the 17th of the month and my head is just swirling with idea's of little creatures each bearing it's own name. Oh the little one's.  As they begin to come into my reality, they are manifest into form as if they just walked through the front door. The show's will begin soon so we need to keep creating and stock piling until it's tyme to take them to market, to be adopted. These are the treasures that fill my dreams and nonworking hours. And as they fill the shelves of the loft for a time I enjoy their presence while it lasts. I truly love my life and the gifts I have been blessed with. Joy abounds more and more every day as I prepare for my favorite seasons of craft and whimsy. It's an ode to spirit as I sew away the hours and bring joy and laughter into someone else's world.
Stay tuned for a preview of the next edition of the Wonders at Oakridge Primitives, where hand and spirit come together. . .

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