Monday, May 2, 2011

Days Pass So Quickly

Hard to believe how fast time moves forward. The days turn into months and years pass so fast, before you know it the kids are grown and the grandchildren are teenagers. I could have great grand children any time now,  that's reality and could happen at any time.
 I am most grateful. . . my life has been blessed with wonderful people in my life both friends and a terrific family.  Each and everyone bringing a new texture to life's tightly woven cloth. . .
Then there's my art work which takes on a whole different world than the one I live in most of the time. It fills me with a child like wonder, which is where I love to be. Creating the next little one is what I truly get excited about as they seem to come out of no where. A piece of muslin starts to take shape and walla, a little one is born from my imagination into my perception of real life.
Fall time with the pumpkins and witch hats, oh what fun and it will be here before you know it. . . so I'd better get busy. . .

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