Friday, August 3, 2012

August Energy and a Blue Moon Month

It's been a rough June and July with all the energy downloads, solar flares and heat , with little to no moisture to balance the crops here in the midwest. I feel as though our planet is just burning up right in front of our eyes.
But it is time to put that all behind us and move into the current events like the bringing together of mankind with the Olympics in full motion, what a wonderful event. Where we all sent our differences aside and enjoy the games. Yes, I do understand that it is a competition of countries but to see us all together is so wonderful. It should be always in our hearts that we are all connected.

And is it by coincidence that it is also the month of a Blue moon, where we have a full moon on August 1 to start our month and a Blue Moon on August 31st. Get busy with your setting intentions for the new earth as this is the perfect time. Anything started this month will come to a great finish at the end of the month. I hope that you haven't passed up this opportunity for manifestation.

As the wheel of the year turns and we move forward there will be many great events to remember this year. 2012 holds many unseen promises to come full circle.

For me it has been a year of great transition in self and a difference of outward projection as well. I am also going full circle but I am choosing quite differently then in the past. A bit more cautious it would seem. I learned to say NO, this is the first time in my life that I have considered, ME, first, above anyone or anything else. So now I have much forgivness work to do as well. Setting aside the things I used to see as important compared to allowing the flow of the universe to take me along on a wonderous journey. I am up for it and appreciate it's long time comming.

Enjoy the month, the games, the activities of summer and I will do the same.
for now Blessed be. . .

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