Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Fools, Tyme for a Life Style Change?

April Fools Day took it's toll this year and I lost a couple more friends from heart attacks and cancer. Those that know me well listen quietly while I complain about how Doctors don't heal us they treat symptoms with drugs. And I find it most disturbing that our government backs this plan 100%. And do you know why? Because the Doctors push a half a Trillion dollars worth of drugs a year. And do they treat what is wrong with us? No! They merely cover up our symptoms with yet another drug. Tearing down our immune systems and throwing us into a state of depression so they can, you got it, feed us yet another drug. And do you know what I find most amazing about this whole cycle? That, We the People, of the Untied States of America, so well educated, that we allow them to keep us in a drug induced state and don't go with in ourselves to find the answers. We continue to go to work everyday, so we can pay for our health insurance premiums, so we can afford to go to the Doctor and get some more pills! When will you stop! When will you understand that the drugs and food they are feeding us is killing us off faster than we are able to pay off the medical bills. Has your doctor ever been concerned with your diet? I'm talking about the nutritional value of the food you are putting into your body, I'm taking about the vitamins and minerals you are taking into your body. Do you know that Niacin cures depression? That just two handfuls of cashews are like taking 2 ml. of Prozac, Magnesium makes your blood flow, that 1/2 liter of water (and not bottled water either, just water from your tap, it's free and healthier than bottled water) before your morning coffee will cause you to loose weight faster than anything you have ever taken to loose weight before? Start your day this way and you'll have more energy than ever before, you'll dump all the toxins that collected in your bladder while sleeping and you'll feel better than ever before too. But, Of course you don't. Why? Because your Doctor never told you that only because he does not support good health. There's virtually no money in good health. Think about it! Good health, no need for Doctors, now who will push all those toxic drugs you are putting into your body every single day of your life.
We all need to know that We Are What We Eat!!! When nutrition is based on whole good foods, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, we don't get dis-ease in our bodies. No one ever died from taking vitamins or eating organically grown foods. Did you know that cancer can be cured with high doses of vitamin C, intravenously fed into your body?  The only side effect is thirst, which flushes the toxins out of your system. And that some types of cancers are cured with a vegetarian diet? And that heart damage caused from years of eating fatty foods can literally be reversed by consuming a plant based diet? Lives are being saved through these methods and yet people still go running off to the drug pusher to be poisoned with more toxins instead of choosing a life style change. Hard to believe that we, the educated American public, are still falling pray to the practitioners who claim they are practicing medicine. Yeah, they're practicing alright and laughing all the way to the bank, with your hard earned money, while you still have no quality of life beyond the drugs and toxins they continue to fill us with. Become conscience in yourself and save your life along with much of your earnings. Take the time to do some research and heal yourself. Take back your God given gifts and enjoy your healthy life through the most important choice you will ever make for yourself and your family. Align yourself with this earth in which you belong and are a significant part of. Enjoy the fruits it bears for you. It's cheap, it's fulfilling and it will help you to live a toxin free life for a long time to come.
Oh, and one more thing. . . meditate! It regulates your blood pressure and brings you to a place of  self learning and fulfillment. . .
Blessed be

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