Monday, October 10, 2016

Columbus Day, Are You Patronizing this Monster today?

Christopher Columbus sailed the seas and came to America.
No, he did not discover America but what he did do was organize the worlds largest genocide in history. Adolf Hitler took lessons from Columbus. So immense that even the school books cover this with lies made into the great story of his arrival. But what they don't tell you is of the slaughter of the American Natives living here. You know those people he referred to as savages, the American Indians who didn't even raise a hand to the Spanish invasion until after they were all nearly dead from hunger and disease, that the Spaniard's brought from abroad, their land taken from them and their women and children raped, mutilated and shipped off to be sold off for slaves in other countries except most all died before reaching their destination to South Africa
Christopher Columbus drove the American natives across the U.S. and placed them on reservations (concentration camps) in the coldest regions of the America's where he knew they could not survive causing many more to parish.
Maybe you can tell me why the United States Government celebrates this sick excuse for a human being. Under his command they extinguished nearly an entire race of people who never did anything to anyone
Think about this before you sign your ballot on election day because this kind of entitled behavior is going to continue if Hillary is elected into office. She shares this kind of mentality and supports GMO's, medical insurance rape and no rights for the American peoples. We the People are just numbers to her and her chemical companies will finish us all off in another 50 years if they aren't stopped now

Cast a ballot for yourself in lieu of voting for the dog meat we have to choose from

in the mean time,
many blessings. . .

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