Thursday, March 27, 2008


OK, There's this big buzz going on and people are really angry with the way one of every one's favorite buying and selling places is sticking it to the sellers. I'm an avid SBayer and use the site to buy and sell but they are totally out of line with the new policies on E Patterns, pricing to Power sellers, store owners and there is some talk about a huge boycott of the site. It used to be that everyone selling there had even billing when it comes to the first listed, first shown policies but things seem to be going haywire over there in the past month where they are setting things up by best match and using feedback percentages to rank how your items come up on the roster. Now when you search a product line the best sellers with the highest rankings come up first and they actually rank by sales instead of the time that an item is listed, so in order to see all items in that category you have to use the drop down list to pick how you want to see the items, as in "time ending", "newly listed" but people who don't use this site as much as others may be a little lost and uncaring about the changes causing people with less volume of sales or lower feed back percentages to be pushed to the wayside even though they are paying premium dollars to list the items they want to sell.
So, In an effort to drive traffic to other sources besides to the big guy, I am offering FREE SHIPPING on my other sights to drive traffic to those communities where I can sell my goods and pay less to do that.
Please join me at
Thank you for your support and for visiting my blog
Happy buying instead of bidding and free shipping too

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