Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving is Almost Sold Out, Here comes Santa

I have to say it has been a most interesting journey of late. With the full moon and 11-11-11 transforming the energies of the planet and everyone on it.
Just when you thought you knew what was down the road, oops, one more flat tire. That's what my life has been like the past couple of weeks. No Wait, I'm not saying it's a bad thing as I am well versed in the fact that change is good and that everything happens for a reason. It's just when it all happens at once that you really must stop and take into account, "What have I been thinking?"  When you start to look around you and none of the faces of the people you have grown to love and trust, have all of a sudden changed and you start to see them in their true light. It's not a pretty picture when you find yourself surrounded by thieves and lairs, people who have done they're best to take advantage of you when you thought you had nothing left to take. It makes you start to believe in shape shifting.
I'm keeping my head up and moving forward and with each and every minuet I will find the love and happiness that I truly have spent my life earning. As I move away from the past that does not serve me into a heightened awareness of being I know that at the end of the day I will have learned at least 3 new things and even considered 7 Impossible things before breakfast. As I continue down this road, finding new things to learn, people to love and some wonderful art work that spirit has been hiding from me, I plan to create it all over again. I know better than that. I create from spirit and I'm always grateful for the beautiful gifts I receive (even if they do turn out to be a joke)

Enough of the tangent. . .just know that thoughts do become things, so always think the very best ones. It will be your life in the next instant. Merry Holidays. . . a toast to the best year any primitive artist can have. Success to us all. . .blessed be!

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