Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Happy New Year Everyone

Happy New Year, 2013
and looking back on my life, there is so much to be grateful for.
The holidays are over and all the winter creations have sold. So 2013 will begin a whole new year of creatures to annouce their arrival as the holidays start to unfold.again. As for me, I have come to realize that all the things I thought I missed growing up in an unwealthy family were just a figment of my imagination. Like coming home to some cheep fried rice that now a days, I make when I get home from a long day at work and enjoy so much for it's wonderful aroma and wholesome flavor. And I am always so gratefull that my parents were chef's and awesome cooks, and that I learned to make something really tasty out of what would apperar to be nothing, to most people. It may be a talent but I am forever grateful for my many talents. Being mulitalented has served me well through my life. It has made me most resourceful as well. Being on an adventure everyday of my life has been a true gift. Don't get me wrong, it didn't always feel this way either but this new year has brought with it a sence of appreciation for many things I would normally not take the time to appreciate. I, like so many people who grew up in the states, have taken so much for granted. Forgetting that we really do need to stop and look at ourselves in the mirror from time to time because we are truely outstanding creatures. Our virsatile ways has brought us to where we are today. We started out as children like all the others and grew into magical creatures. Artists, managers, lightworkers, healers and creative entities that never stop looking for the next avenue to bring us joy and make a little cash along the way,  I have been so blessed throughout my life it seems that I have to stop and wonder why it took me so long to realize just how truely wonderful this life is. I did it, I reached not only my potential but also my goals. Not all of them yet but I have learned much about manifestation and I am moving along quite nicely, I must say. Being in this wonderful gifted place on our planet I have learned to trust again. Not in a human sence but to spiritually trust in the universe that holds me so close to it's breast, like a great mother, that feeds and nurtures me and leads me to always see the best in all things. Everyday as I set an intention to experiance life through my highest self, the very highest aspect of energy that I can embody and go with the flow, allowing it to bring me through my day and back home again where I love to be. Back to the place that I rest and create and have learned that no matter what, I am me and so grateful to be who I am. I hope all your dreams manifest for you in this wonderous year ahead. . . until next time, many blessings to you

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