Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chakra Final - Aura, The Protective Shield

Now that we have completed lessons and meditations on the seven chakra energy centers, let's integrate that grounding meditation I have been having you do before all of the yoga exercises and meditations.
Although the Aura exists outside of the body, it is connected to and encloses the seven chakras and therefore is often thought of as the 8th chakra. This is the protective shield that surrounds the body, changes in shape and color and size depending upon our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as to
whether the chakras are integrated and balanced. Normally it extends several feet (approx 3') around the body in every direction. When the aura is small, dark and close, it represents a weakened state in which we are prone to physical, mental or emotional illness or distress. When the aura is strong, bright and large, we are better able to protect ourselves from disease, slander and stress. The days when everything, no matter how trivial, bothers you, your aura is small and close; conversely, when the slings and arrows have no effect, your aura is strong and large. Ready to protect your from the energies of the world.

So when I suggest that you exhale, sending the light out around you at approximately three feet, this is why; It will help balance your chakras and send out a shield of protection around you. I surround myself in white light, which is the very highest vibration, so that I may partner with spirit to guide me throughout my day. When I feel that I am becoming fatigued or under attack by someones toxic energy, I excuse myself to the rest room or walk outside and surround myself with white light to protect myself from those outside forces that I do not wish to process.

Activities that promote and maintain a vibrant and strong aura include meditation, yoga, a healthy diet, achieving balance between work and play

To complete your chakra work, visualize and connect with your aura. Imagine this protective shield becoming stronger, brighter and more beautiful. Feel your aura grow and expand as you claim your right to health, harmony and happiness on every level. Focus on the following affirmation;

             I am protected by the strength of my being

Let's do that energy alignment meditation and get those energy centers running at peak performance
  • Sit comfortably with knees bent and feet crossed at the ankles, hands resting on your knees, palms up and spine erect, eyes closed, taking three deep breathes consecutively to relax your entire self, loosing all those muscles, and relaxing your mind
  • Now, taking in a deep breath bringing the energy from your feet, allow it to follow each chakra up all of your energy centers running the complete path, exhale, sending the energy out to surround you
  • now another breath, and this time, pull it in and fill the root chakra and as you fill this chakra with fresh energy, visualize the chakra spinning, and clearing, moving faster and faster as the energy fills the root chakra, notice how clear and bright the red glow is becoming and on the exhale, see all the issues with this chakra leaving your core and being released for healing
  • take in another breath and bring the energy to the sacral chakra, seeing the clear energy fill this orange energy center, making it spin faster and faster, notice how clear and bright it has become, and on the exhale, see all the issues with this chakra leaving your core and being released for healing
  • now the third chakra, the navel solar plexus, take in the breath and fill this chakra with clear energy, watching as it spins faster and faster, and on the exhale, watch closely as the solar plexus shines ever so brite as the darkened energies are leaving the core and being released for healing,
  • taking in another deep breath, fill the heart chakra with new energy, watching as it spins faster and faster, clearing the energy, and notice how clear the beautiful green healing energy becomes, as you exhale and release the old energy for healing
  • another breath, fill the throat chakra with new energy and see this turquoise chakra clearing and spinning faster and faster, and as you exhale see the brightness and clarity as the old energies are released for healing
  • breath deep and bring that energy through all the energy centers, up into the third eye chakra and as it fills with the enlightened energy see the beautiful indigo blue of this chakra starting to spin faster and faster, clearing out all that muddled energy as you exhale and release the energy for healing
  • breath deep, bringing the energies all the way up to the crown chakra, watching it fill with new clear energy, see it spinning faster and faster and see how clear and bright the violet light is illuminated, and the exhale release all that old energy into the universe for healing 
  • Take a deep breath and watch all the energy centers spinning with clear energy, illuminated and spinning at their highest potential, clear of all debris and give thanks to your higher self for joining you in this most wondrous healing meditation
And I thank you as well for joining me and allowing me to guide you in your healing today

Good luck with your chakra energy clearing and yoga meditations. Feel free to leave comments, I always appreciate your input and success's.

If you have an interest in the Chakra Crystal Healing Energy Pyramid candles, you will find them for sale in my ETSY Shop starting 12-10-12.

Until next time. . . many blessings

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