Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4th Chakra-Heart Clearing Meditation & yoga

"A" is the sound of the Heart Chakra and it's color is green.
Pure as the Earth, it's element is air. The Heart Chakra is located at the heart center. It may be thought of as the balance and actually it is the balance point between, physical and spirit, the three lower chakras and the three higher chakras. Representing true compassion, kindheartedness, selfless love and devotion. The Heart Chakra is where we process and store all our emotional experiances. The Hearat Chakra speaks of "we" instead of "me". Associated body parts; heart, lings, diaphram, chest, circulatory system, shoulders, arms and hands Basic issues; love, compassion, kindness, relationships, self-acceptance,, forgiveness, hope, sympathy and empathy. Genstones and crystals; emerald, rose quartz and ruby.  Flower essances; bleeding heart, holly, wild rose, Essential oils; marjoram, neroli, wild rose, heliotrope. Food; green vegetables

Major issues of an unbalanced Heart Chakra are grief, isolation, despair, heartache, jelousy and sadness. Feelings of abandonment, isolation, lonliness or shyness man dominate. We may become unable to feel compassion or empathy for others or ourselves and become disengaged, unemotional and unable or unwilling to trust our hearts. Logic rules our behavior

Signs of an unbalanced Heart Chakra are;
  • Emotional or mental issue; resentment, suspicion, possesiveness, dependancy, emotional insenitivity,passiveness sorrow, depression
  • Physical issues; cariovascular problems, hypertension, stroke, respitory aliments, upper back and shoulder problems, arthritis
  • Common addictions; nicotine, majijuana
Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Heart Chakra are volunteering or involvement in charitable work, reading inspirational books, reading or writing poetry, watching romantic movies

Now, do the grounding meditation from the other three lessons

Meditation with Namaste' hands

Focus on the vibration of the Heart Chakra, the sound is "a" chant this sound aloud or silently to yourself, three times
  • Sit in any comfortable position on the floor or in a chair, spine extended, shoulders down away from the ears, eyes closed or downcast
  • Bring hands to the center of your chest in prayer position, known as Nasaste' (hands together pointed up towards your chin)
  • Inhale and exhale while repeating "I trust my heart"
  • Continue for one to three minuets longer
  • When you are finished, lower your hands on to your lap and visualize the healing emerald-green light of your heart center, projected out all around you
             I am the light within my soul
  • Releases emotional wounds stores in the heart center
  • opens us to love and compassion
  • promotesgrounding and a sense of profound physical connection
  • calms and clears the mind
  • slows repiration and heart rate

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