Sunday, February 17, 2013

February, Love or Reality

February is the month of Love in the US.
Schools, business' and our lives have been decorated with cupids, cards, flowers and chocolates as long as I can remember. Placing the emphasis on Love. So what happens if we don't have someone to love or do not receive all these things on the day Love is celebrated?   
   Does it mean you are less entitiled or less deserving of love?  Funny how celebrations can set some people apart from others, making them feel unhappy or unloved, depressed and unworthy. As human beings we are so good at "going with flow" even when the flow does not include us. But, if you would choose to be alone does that make you any of those things? I think in this case we need to look at ourselves and understand that we need to love ourselves before someone else can truely love us the way we want to be loved. Archangel Uriel says "we will never find someone to love us as much as we love ourselves". That's such a powerful statement and I do understand that completely. Therefore, it is a cause for celebration after all. Love thineself first is a very important message.
   How much of your life have you spent taking care of others, looking after them, raising children, teaching and caring. It's time we all be taken care of in that way and if you are the only person that will do that for you, then be happy in knowing that source and the angels love you more than ever could be imagined. Love your self and do the things that make you happy cause you are the only person that you have to make happy in this life. You deserve everything wonderful on this journey and happiness and joy are the prize, because you are the prize 
   While I'm working on that aspect I will continue to do what makes me most happy, to create wonderful things that bring a smile to someone's face. To see that glow of happiness is truely the most magnificant thing in the world to me.
    Hope your Valentine's Day was everything you expected it to be and if not, than it's not to late to make it so.

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