Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 2nd, The Jokes are Over, New Moon in Aries

April 2nd, the joke is over-let's get back to Reality in the Making

April 7th there is a New Moon in Aries so plan to be motivated, if you aren't already, to move forward with the plans you have on changing your life in some way. Whether it be a new career path, committing to a healthier life style or just plain learning to manifest your lifes dreams. Aries is a great time to start as the motivation is pushing and you are moving freely in the direction you wish your life to flow. But you'd better move fast here because on April 17th Mar's will go retrograde and everything will come to a screaming halt but don't fret, look at it as a time rethink and refine your drawings and plans to move ahead, sorting everything and getting all your ducks in a row for the regatta and on April 22nd the Full Moon is in Scorpio/ Neptune will help you connect with the emotional issues you have with your plan, your intuition will be high and your physic abilities will steer you through any dilemma's you may have encountered along the way
Mercury will go retrograde on the 28th which will last until May 22nd so again you will have a chance to take another look at your plans and see what's not working, refine, reconnect with your original intention and by Memorial Day you'll be in full motion of perfecting your plans.
So let's touch base on the Manifesting part of the plan. There is a most important element to this so if it seems out of reach for some reason,  let's get started and address the issues you are having
Everyday you need to commit yourself to visualization, which is about 10 minuets of day dreaming.
YES, Daydream about how you want your life to look in the near future.
According to Mike Dooley @ TUT there are 6 guidelines to visualization:

  • 1: Visualize only once a day  
  • 2: Visualize for only 10 minuets
  • 3: See, Hear, Feel, Smell and Taste every imaginable detail 
  • 4: Put in the Emotions, the joy and happiness of achieving your desired wishes
  • 5: Put yourself in the picture, actually see yourself driving that new car you wanted
  • 6: Go Straight to the End Result! DO NOT SEE YOURSELF WINNING THE LOTTERY and just Visualize your life as if all you ever wanted is right there and you are ALREADY in that Place, time and space. (another words forget about the details of how all this will come to you)
Now I know that can be hard, not sorting out the details of how you will make this happen. Because if you are moving towards this in your daily life eg moving towards a business or career change, healthy life style, a new car, than the details are already being worked out by you. Get out there and work on the details but do not visualize it in your daily Visualization Practice. Use your Visualization Practice to see your self there, in your new home or car already. Piece of cake! See once we form a habit of thinking and seeing ourselves where we want to be, all of a sudden one day it just shows up in the form of a great opportunity, or being offered a free trip to somewhere you always wanted to go. Or your dream house maybe, that someone else needs to unload this place and your in the right place at the right time and are able to afford this now. Everything comes in divine timing, when we are ready and remember that nothing is out of reach, if you can see it for yourself than it is within your field of potentiality which means it is meant to be. So go for the gusto, don't waste your time on thinking small or small is what you will get and I am sure if your still reading this that you have had enough small in your life and it's time to think big!
Enjoy your daydreaming. . .
till next time

many blessings

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