Friday, April 8, 2016

The Truth About Cancer Healing Cancer Naturally, My own Experiance

It is now almost 5 years ago that I went in for a routine Ultra sound, in lew of a mammogram  to appease my insurance company and get the tests done they say I needed. After the test was done I was asked to have a seat as the Dr. wanted to discuss the results with me. I was then called into a conference room and told that I needed a biopsy as there was a mass in my breast that he was sure was cancer. And so the story goes on. . .

I went home, upset, sat down and cried and then started to research natural healing for breast cancer, I made a list of supplements and took a ride to my local health food store where I purchased
Barlean's High Litigen Flax seed oil, organic cottage cheese, organic strawberries, Barlean's Greens supplements, Vitamin C high doseages, Essian Tea, COQ10, Latril (apricot seed kernels) and some sour-sop juice, a couple of others vitamins. I stopped at Woodman's and purchased organic fruits & vegetables and went home and started juicing. I left all the everyday food I used to eat behind and continue to do so still this day. I also raised my alkaline level to 8.5 ph by drinking high alkaline water, from my Enagic Water machine, and using baking soda to increase my alkaline leveal when I was at work for too many hours without water to drink.

In the 2nd month of this re gamine  I purchased B17 from an on line market as this vitamin was illegal in Illinois where my favorite Health food store was located. None of the health food stores in southeast Wisconsin stocked it either.

I continued to take my Essiac tea and work the Budwig Protocal, along with all the supplements adhering to a high alkaline diet as I knew that cancer could not survive in a high alkaline atmosphere. By month 3, I had lost 30 pounds and made an appointment to see Dr. Nasr, a holistic Dr. He ran tests for four months attempting to find cancer in my body but by the fourth month he told me that like everyone, I did have cancer cells but that he was unable to diagnose any live cancer in my body.

In this time I had 6 friends and employees family member that ended up dying from the conventional treatments they were receiving. you see the three things conventional treatment does is
Surgery - Cut , the opening up the body while cancer is active makes the cancer spread like wildfire
Chemo - derived from Mustard Gas, used in chemical warfare during war time, it is illegal to use mustard nerve gas as chemical warfare any longer but they use it to treat cancer patients in this country. It destroys the immune system
Radiation - burns and kills the tissue surrounding the tumor

Did you know that Cancer is not a Disease but a symptom of the imbalance in your body causing inflammation? Wow how simple. But the American people have been duped into thinking that it will kill you. Ends up it's the Chemotherapy and Radiation along with surgery that kills you but not before you have exhausted the amount of money your insurance company will put out .

I invite you to sign up for the program that is being release in a 9 part series by Ty Bollinger and watch the videos on YouTube of the Drs. that are supporting Ty's efforts to get this most important message out to everyone. Share it on Facebook and get notifications because our own government has supported this killing long enough and the billions of dollars we spend on conventional treatments, the drug companies, the Dr's, the Cancer Association,. Cancer centers, Food & Drug Administration and even the Insurance companies are all in cahoots. This madness can be stopped if you would trust yourself instead of some money hungry society of legal killers. Become educated and save your parents, children and grandchildren. Don't trust anyone when it comes to your life. Get the information now and please share it

Here's a link to the series-The Truth About Cancer

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