Monday, April 7, 2008

At Home in Wisconsin where Everything is Handmade

You'll notice that I added a page element "I Took the Handmade Pledge" which is what ETSY and myself is all about. I've been consumed with a made to order OOAK French Bed doll named Martha, but believe me my notes while doing so have accumulated into a huge pile of new things to make, and even have cut out some material thoughts, most of which are Mothers Day and Americana based prims. So check out my ETSY and ECRATER stores to see what's new. Some of them are on the widget at the top of my page.
While cooking up some Southwest Chicken stew I was listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer, I have to tell you that if you are looking for some inspiration he is the best. He lives his dream in Maui and is such a magnificent speaker, you should take the opportunity to read or listen to some of his work as he is filled with inspiration on manifesting what you want in your life. I just love to listen to him when I'm working. I saw him three years ago, in Las Vegas at the "You Can Do It" conference sponsored by Hay House and my life has not been the same since. In fact, it was that spiritual conference that has driven me to manifest the ability to live to create beautiful and fun things to sell to supplement my income so I could stop being a restaurant manager. Wayne Dyer has a saying, "Desire is the action that "inspires: us to take action towards the things we want in our lives and I encourage you to understand that you can too. And always know that you are not alone. For now. . .
Bliss to you

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