Thursday, April 10, 2008

Handmade Teddy Bear Baby Quilts

Handmade Teddy Bear Crib Quilts

So I decided that after all these years of crafting, that the crib quilts I used to make back in the day when all my family and friends were having our children, were too wonderful to keep to myself. So I started making them again and offering them for sale on my ETSY site as I am able to take special orders through ETSY. There is one pictured in green gingham check that you can view here on my blog.
I remember all too well how these baby quilts made it through the lives of these children. And yes, I did turn them into bankey babies, but it was all good with the parents. Now that they have all grown up and I attend the weddings of nieces, nephews and family friends that received a teddy bear quilt, they are too funny when they tell me how they remember growing up with their quilts and some even still have them put away for their own children to have. It's a wonderful thing to know that you made a child's life comfy in their growing years and how much they appreciate it now that they are grown. I used to sell them at a shop in Richmond, IL. called The Pumpkin Patch during the 70's when my youngest son was too young for me to go back to work and it supplied a means to make some extra money for family outings.
With all the fond memories attached to these beautiful little quilts, I decided it would truly be a shame not to offer them in my own shop. So if you know someone that is having a baby shower, take a look at them as they are really a creature comfort in every sense of the word.
till next time. . .

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