Saturday, May 31, 2008

Part VI, Auras, Chakras and Meditation

As we move into the forth and final post of the Chakra series, I would like to start you with a meditation which brings balance through the focus of breath. Breath is what brings us to life. It is the essence of that which we are. In focusing on your breath and becoming aware of it you will reach a deeper state of understanding of your connection to the God force within you. Let us begin by sitting with our legs bent and crossed at the ankles, spine extended, shoulders down away from the ears, eyes closed or downcast with your chin close to your chest.
  • Extend your arms to the side with your fingertips touching the floor
  • Inhale and raise both arms above your head. Bringing your fingertips together above your head
  • Turn your palms out and exhale as you lower your arms, bringing your fingertips back to the floor
  • Repeat this motion in cooperation with your breath as you visualise diamond white or violet universal light streaming from the the crown of your head and surrounding your body
  • Continue inhaling and exhaling, arms up and down for three more minuets

"I am balanced between earth and heaven."


  • Increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body
  • cleanses the blood, stimulates the nervous system and balances the glandular system
  • tones the abdominal muscles and strengthens the diaphragm
  • helps balance and move energy throughout the body

Starts to balance and strengthen the aura (eighth chakra) connecting physical matter to the spiritual realm

Third Eye Chakra

"Mysteries are not solved. The eye goes blind when it only wants to see why." - Rumi

The sixth chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, is associated with sight and seeing, both intuitively and physically. It is related to the energies of clear vision, intuition, light and spirit. It is through this chakra that we may tune in to the higher self in order to seek and receive inner guidance.

Color: indigo, Element: light Location: between and above the eyes, center the forehead, Basic issues: clairvoyance, telepathy, wisdom, connection to the higher self, imagination, dreams, ideas, reasoning, Gemstones: amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire, Flower essences: lavender, madia and Queen Ann's Lace, Essential oils: clary sage, lavender and lemon, Food: air (greens, green drinks or teas)

Major issues of an unbalance Third Eye Chakra include an inability to see the big picture and to keep and open mind. We may tend to follow illusionary ideas and have difficulty separating fact from fantasy. Reasoning and clear thinking, judgement, memory and concentration may be impaired.

Signs of an unbalanced sixth chakra include:

  • Emotional or mental issues; fuzzy thinking, confusion, intellectual stagnation or decline and aimlessness
  • Physical issues: headache, sinusitis, brain tumors, stroke, blindness, vision problems, learning disorders, anxiety disorders
  • Common addictions: shopping, possessiveness, cult behaviors

When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, we feel intellectually at the top of our game. Our imagination soars and we are in tune with and are able to draw upon out intuitive powers of reasoning. We are able to positively and realistically perceive and visualize the future. Because this chakra allows us to see beyond the material world, our psychic and telepathic abilities may be heightened.

A balanced sixth chakra brings:

  • an ability to think clearly
  • a comfortable detachment from worldly goods
  • an ability to trust our inner guidance to "know the unknowable"
  • attunement with our intuitive abilities

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Third Eye Chakra: keeping a dream journal, a conscious awareness of coincidences and serendipitous occurrences, meditation

Crown Chakra

"Sages speak of the immutable Tree of Life, with it's taproot above and it's branches below" - Bhagavad Gita

The seventh chakra, the Crown Chakra, is known as the "thousand petaled lotus", the symbol of purity and spirituality. It is our highest energy center, both in terms of physical location and rate of vibration. This chakra represents liberation, bringing great knowledge, deep understanding, inner wisdom and a connection to the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual growth. It represents union with the higher self, the cosmos and the Divine. Color: white or ultra violet, Element: energy, Location: top of the head, Associated body parts: center of the head and brain (frontal) Basic issues: wisdom, intuitive knowing, spiritual development, humanitarian, selflessness, connection to the divine, universal higher consciousness Gemstones and crystals: black opal, diamond, quartz crystal, sunstone, Flower essences: Lotus, star tulip, yarrow, Essential oils: frankincense, geranium, sandalwood, Food: none (fasting, ingest only water, juices)

Major issues of an unbalanced Crown Chakra are lack of purpose, loss of meaning, indifference and depression. An attunement to materialism is central and ethical or moral beliefs may be weak. We may feel disconnected from the flow of life and nature. Spirituality is nonexistent or we may have an unquestioning adherence to religious dogma

Signs of an unbalanced seventh chakra:

  • Emotional or mental issues: worry, depression, psychosis, insanity
  • Physical issues: cranial and cerebral illnesses; skin problems, chronic exhaustion, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environment
  • Common addictions: psychotropic and mind altering drugs, material acquisitiveness

When the Crown Chakra is balanced, it opens us to a profound awakening, like the lotus blossom when it opens. It connects us to our innate spiritual nature, as well as to the Divine or cosmic consciousness.

A balanced seventh chakra brings:

  • fulfillment of one's destiny
  • enhanced sense of of the spiritual
  • access to the subconscious and the unconscious realms
  • a sense of bliss

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Crown Chakra: silent meditation, chanting and conscious breathing

I recently purchased a CD, guided meditation called "Journey though the Chakras" by Colette Baron-Reid which takes you to a place, that she refers to as Sanctuary, on a beach where you connect with all the chakras through gemstones that you pick up. The CD is a 45 minuet meditation, which is most relaxing yet energizing and aids in reducing that inner turbulence which comes with everyday stresses we encounter. I truly enjoyed her version of Chakra cleansing and highly recommend it to those who are beginning to find their way into the realm of spirit.

I will continue to post meditations for you to use from time to time, in the mean time, have a wondrous day and remember to take time for yourself, to just sit and breath in the fresh air in nature and connect to the earth in appreciation of all those gifts that too often go unnoticed. . . Who knows, maybe you'll encounter something new to your world.

with light and love. . .

Monday, May 26, 2008

Part III, Auras, Chakras and Meditation

I hope you all enjoyed the Memorial Day week end. I spent some time with friends and family enjoying each others company and holding in memory my gratitude for those who have served in the armed forces. Not just the ones that have passed over but those who are still with us. Those who work to protect us and keep us safe each minuet of their lives. If any members of the military are reading this blog, I'd like to say thank you for your continued efforts in keeping our main land safe from terrorists and others with ill intent. God bless you all

I've been writing a series on chakras, auras and meditation for the past few weeks and will continue on with the fourth, Heart Chakra and fifth, Throat Chakra in today's post. Enjoy. . .

"Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love." -Saint Francis of Assisi

The fourth chakra, the Heart Chakra, is located at the heart center. It may be thought of as the balance point between the three lower chakras, which are our physical chakras and the three higher chakras, which are our spiritual chakras. Representing true compassion, kindheartedness, selfless love and devotion, the Heart Chakra is where we process and store emotional experiences. The Heart Chakra speaks of "we" instead of "me."

Color; emerald green, Element; air, Location; center of the chest, Associated body parts; heart, lungs, diaphragm, chest, thymus, circulatory system, shoulders, arms and hands, Basic issues; love, compassion, kindness, relationships, self-acceptance, forgiveness, hope, sympathy and empathy, Gemstones and crystals; emerald, rose quartz, ruby, Flower essences; bleeding heart, holly and wild rose, Essential oils; marjoram, neroli, rose, Food; green vegetables (greens, leafy vegetables)

Major issues of an unbalanced fourth Heart Chakra are grief, despair, heartache, jealousy and sadness. Feelings of abandonment, isolation, loneliness, or shyness may dominate. We may be unable to feel compassion or empathy for others or ourselves and we may feel disengaged, unemotional and unable or unwilling to trust our hearts. Logic, not emotion, rules our behavior.

Signs of and unbalanced fourth chakra:

  • Emotional or mental issues: resentment, suspicion, possessiveness, dependency, emotional insincerity, passivity, sorrow, melancholy and depression.

  • Physical issues: cardiovascular problems, hypertension, stroke, respiratory ailments, upper back and shoulder problems, arthritis

  • Common addictions: nicotine, marijuana

When the Heart Chakra is balanced, we are able to give and receive love, be compassionate and feel a a sense of wholeness and profound unity with others. We can let go, experiencing and enjoying a sense of our own emotional empowerment. This is when we begin to truly fathom the power of prayer, which emanates from our center.

A balanced fourth chakra brings:

  • an overriding sense of compassion

  • a willingness to share and give to those we love

  • a "heartstrings" connection to those we love

  • a sense of hope and inspiration

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Heart Chakra: volunteering of involvement in charitable work, reading inspirational books, reading or writing poetry, watching romantic movies

"Think before you speak is criticism's motto. Speak before you thinks is creation's." -E.M. Forster

The fifth chakra, the Throat Chakra, is associated with sound and has to do with self-expression, speech and communication. The ability to speak honestly; to receive, process and assimilate information and to connect with and speak our inner truth all relate to the fifth chakra, the center of transformation and change. the Color; light blue or turquoise, Element; ether, Location; throat/ neck, Associated body parts; throat, neck, ears, jaw, mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, thyroid gland, Basic issues; communication, creativity, expression , humility and manifesting ideas, Gemstones and crystals; aquamarine, blue opal and carnelian, Flower Essences; cosmos, larkspur, larch Essential oils; chamomile, orange and rosemary, Food; fruits,(blueberries, blackberries)

Major issues of an unbalanced Throat Chakra are a lack of expression, an inability to express oneself, a feeling of stagnation, an inability to communicate and holding on to unexpressed anger. We may feel a sense of not being heard or an inability to make ourselves heard, as well as a failure to find the right words or a fear of speaking.

Signs of an unbalanced Throat Chakra are as follows

  • Emotional or mental issues: frustration, timidness, dishonesty, criticism of self or others, low self-esteem, excessive talking, inability to verbalize, shyness, being overly opinionated

  • Physical issues:sore throat, laryngitis, upper respiratory illnesses, dental problems, teeth grinding and TMJ problems, skin irritations, ear infections, inflammations, hyperthyroidism, stiff neck, shoulder pain, stuttering, attention disorders

  • Common addictions: smoking, inhalants, exercise

When the Throat Chakra is balanced, we are able to speak our truth in a supreme sense. We feel confident, balanced and centered, creatively inspired and able to express ourselves appropriately.

A balanced fifth chakra brings:

  • an ability to communicate verbally, in writing or creativity

  • confidence in our beliefs and our ability to express ourselves

  • the capacity to listen and truly hear

  • a respect for the power and impact of language

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Throat Chakra are; singing, chanting, reciting poetry, keeping a journal, painting, dancing, drumming

Meditation to balance the fifth, Throat Chakra-focus on the vibrations of the Throat, the sound of ee. Chant this sound silently or audibly three times.

  • Sit with the legs crossed at the ankle, spine extended, shoulders away for the ears

  • With eyes closed, focus on the middle of the brow

  • Rest the backs of your hands on your knees or hold arms away from the body with elbows bent, palms up and thumb and index finger touching

  • Silently of audibly, chant the following words, focusing on the energy moving from the base of the spine to the crown:

Sa (infinity)

Ta (life)

Na (death)

Ma (rebirth)

  • Find your own rhythm and continue for one to three minuets


  • balances all the chakras
  • opens the channels of creativity
  • starts clearing the aura
  • promotes grounding and a sense of profound physical connection to the earth and the universe
  • calms and clears the mind
  • slows respiration and hear rate

Monday, May 19, 2008

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Hay House is offering 20% off on Inspirational tools.

My blogs have focused on meditation and chakra balancing and I will continue with the series for the next few weeks ahead. Take a look at Hay House for discounts in products to support chakra cleansing and meditation, both in book form and CD'S. You can take advantage of the 20% off discount through this link above. Go ahead, check out the awesome selections. They handle the best of the best when it comes to spiritual based writers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, John Holland, just to mention a few and countless others. I'm thrilled to be able to make this available to you.

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with love and light. . .

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Part II, Auras and Meditation series

I hope you enjoyed the meditation and information on the Root Chakra. Lets move forward to the Sacral and navel area Solar Plexus

"Here in this body are the sacred rivers; here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as sacred as my own body."

The second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is the focal point of our emotions, sexuality and creativity. It governs our sense of self-worth, how we relate to others (in a sexual as well as nonsexual way), and the confidence we have in our own creativity. This chakra concerns emotional flow: feelings, fluidity and openness. The essence of the Sacral Chakra is that of water, always flowing, never static. It represents grace and acceptance, an ability to "go with the flow". Color: orange, Element: Water, Location: lower abdomen, lower back, sexual organs. Associated body parts: hips, lower back, sexual organs, bladder, kidneys, stomach, bodily fluids (tears, urine, blood, menstrual fluids), Basic issues: pleasure, sexuality, sensuality, emotions, intimacy, warmth, creativity, confidence. Gemstones and crystals: moonstone, orange tourmaline, tigers eye, Flower essences: basil, hibiscus, lady's slipper, Essential oils: jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, Food: liquids ( water, juices, teas)
Major issues of the imbalance of the Sacral Chakra are sexual problems or dysfunction, fear of intimacy, inability to feel pleasure, emotional repression, fear of change or inability to change. Guilt may become an overriding theme in life. We may experience either lack of emotional energy or emotional explosiveness:
Signs of an unbalanced second chakra:
  • Emotional or mental issues: out of touch with feelings, overly emotional or poor boundaries with other people as well as overt sexuality, excessive attachment, frustration, a tendency to be manipulative
  • Physical issues: gynecological problems, impotence, frigidity: kidney, bladder or urinary problems, stiff lower backache
  • Common addictions: sex, work, relationships, sugar

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, we feel confident and able to relate to others in an open, friendly manner. We can feel and freely process our emotions, allowing ourselves to find balance in our lives and appreciate the yin-yang of our existence. We are adaptable, feel creative and are turned in to the stream of life's energy.

A balanced second chakra bring:

  • an enjoyment of pleasurable activities without guilt
  • a sense of surrender and of not having to be in control
  • a strong connection to others while maintaining clear boundaries
  • an ability to express and exhibit healthy emotional behaviors

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Sacral Chakra: getting a massage, enjoying favorite music, a bubble bath and doing gentle yoga

A mantra for the Sacral Chakra," I am able to surrender my fears"

Third Chakra, Navel Solar Plexus

" The measure of your holiness is proportionate to the goodness of your will"

The third chakra, the Navel Solar Plexus, is associated with Identity and self-esteem. Known as the "power center" this is the area of assertiveness, intuition and inner drive. The Navel Solar Plexus Chakra controls digestion and metabolic systems, processing energy and giving us our spark that we need to overcome inertia and apathy. It allows us to assert our personal power and follow our gut instinct, take risks and make decisions. It's Color: golden yellow, Element: fire, Location: abdomen, Basic issues: ego, self-esteem, vitality, forcefulness, perception, Associated body parts: Stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, Gemstones and crystals: citrine, jasper, topaz, Flower Essences: chamomile, goldenrod, pink yarrow, Essential oils: black pepper, ginger, peppermint, Food: complex carbohydrates ( whole grains, beans)

An unbalanced Navel Solar Plexus Chakra may manifest itself in low self-esteem, little or no vitality, hypersensitivity to criticism or being overly critical of others. Evident may be a feeling of uncertainty, rage, or dominance; a tendency toward perfectionism; power plays; and an emphasis on professional and social status.

Signs of an unbalanced third chakra include;

  • Emotional or mental issues: anger, fear of rejection, poor self-esteem, indecisiveness, powerlessness, compulsiveness, resentment and greed
  • Physical issues; digestive problems, food allergies, diabetes, ulcers, liver problems, jaundice, hepatitis, gallstones, adrenal imbalances, arthritis
  • Common additions: sugar, caffeine, food, and compulsive cleaning

When the Navel Solar Plexus is balanced, we are energetic and confident. We are in touch with our personal power, able to follow through on ideas and see tasks through to completion. The war fire of the Solar Plexus chakra shines brightly, allowing us to feel cheerful, vital, strong and alive.

A balanced third chakra brings;

  • a strong sense of identity and healthy self-respect
  • a willingness to persevere
  • an ability to trust one's instincts
  • a sense of belonging

Beneficial activities to promote and maintain a balanced Navel Solar Plexus Chakra; power yoga, aerobics, swimming, power walking and hiking

A strong mantra for the Navel Solar Plexus Chakra would be "My power radiates from the center of my being"

For some good books and cd's on balancing of chakras, chakra meditations and yoga, I recommend Hay House as an awesome source. Their link can be found in "favorite links"on my sidebar.

I hope you've enjoyed this post and I will continue with the Heart and Throat Chakras in my next post, until them. . .

Have a good week.
with love and light. . .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Auras and Meditation

I promised to touch base on chakras but first I would like to give you a general overview of why we clear and balance our chakras. Let's go back to the aura. Although the aura exists outside of the body, it is connected to and encloses the seven chakras, therefore, is often thought of as the "eighth chakra". This protective shield surrounds the body, changes shape, size and color depending on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and on whether the chakras are integrated and balanced. Normally, it extends several feet beyond the body in all direction. When the aura is small, dark and close, it represents a weakened state in which we are prone to physical, mental and emotional illness or distress. When our aura's are large, we are better able to protect ourselves from disease, slander and stress of everyday life. On days when everything, no matter how hard you try, bothers you, your aura is small and close , conversely, when your feeling top of the world where slings and arrows have no effect, your aura is strong and large.
Activity plays a large role as they promote and maintain a vibrant and strong aura, those include: meditation, yoga, a healthy diet, rest and achieving balance between work and play.
To complete your chakra work, visualize and connect with your aura. Imagine this protective shield around you becoming stronger, brighter and more beautiful and vibrant. Feel your aura grow and expand as you claim your right to health, harmony and happiness on every level. Focus on the following affirmation
"I am protected by the strength of my being"

I would like to bring you to the following meditation which will help to clear and balance your chakras and with it, I will also bring you a short understanding of what each chakra is for, it's color and placement in your body. The meditation goes like this;
Focus on the vibration of the Crown chakra, the sound of silence, for three long, slow, deep breaths. Sit of lie down in a comfortable position, eyes closed, with your back straight. Begin the journey up the back of your spine as you visualize the vibrations of;
  • Deep red Root energy and the sound of o; focus on it's essence, safety. Feel safe
  • Burnt orange Sacral energy and the sound of ooo; focus on its essence, creativity. Be creative
  • Bright yellow Navel Solar Plexus energy and the sound of ah; focus on its essence, willpower. Trust your power
  • Emerald green Heart energy and the sound of ay; focus on its essence, love. Know love, love yourself
  • Light blue Throat energy and the sound of ee; focus on its essence, expression. Express yourself
  • Indigo Third Eye energy and the sound om; focus on its essence, intuition. Welcome intuition
  • Diamond White Crown energy and the sound of silence; focus on its essence, union. Unite with the Divine
  • Breathe deeply and reverse the journey, bringing the energy from the Crown chakra down to the front of the spine:
  • Repeat the affirmation; "I am protected by the strength of my being"


  • opens and balances all the chakras, allowing energy to flow
  • promotes grounding and a sense of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connection
  • calms and clears the mind
  • slows respiration and heart rate

Description, properties and explanations are as follows;

The first chakra is the Root, deep red in color and is associated with our basic animal instincts of survival and self preservation, food shelter, health and scrutiny. It's the very foundation of our being. Our identity. Located in the base of the spine, this chakra relates to the principals of gravity, connecting us to our bodies, to the physical world around us and the ground below. Its essence is that of a rock, self sufficient and unto itself.

Color; Deep Red. It's element is earth. Associated body parts are anus, large intestine, adrenal glands, back, legs, feet and bones. Basic issues are safety, survival, shelter, groundedness, nourishment, self esteem, trust, boundaries and physical health. Gemstones are garnet, onyx, and smokey quartz. Flower essences are blackberry, clematis and corn. Essencial oils are bergamont, sandalwood and vetiver. Foods are, protein (soy, tofu, nuts and legumes).

Major issues of an unbalanced Root Chakra are feelings of isolation, abandonment and lack of trust. Fear may take control of our emotional and psychological health. We may feel uncomfortable and not present in our bodies, a sense of not being heard or noticed or of being totally alone. There may be difficulty manifesting what is needed in life (such as finding a good job, a home, a mate, attracting friends) along with a belief in scarcity (not enough money, food, clothes, happiness) and a conviction that material wealth is crucial.

Signs of an unbalanced first chakra;

Emotional or mental issues: fear, anxiety, insecurity, vulnerability, worry, grief, self-centeredness, disconnection, numbness, distrust, low self-esteem, greed

Physical issues:lower back pain, sciatica, obesity, anorexia, constipation, hemorrhoids, prostrate problems, varicose veins

Common Addictions; Food, alcohol and sex

When the Root chakra is balanced, the vital connection to life is strong and supported. Our foundation is secure. We feel safe, grounded, alive and peaceful

A balanced first chakra brings;

  • a sense of belonging and connection to others
  • an ability to trust and a sense of acceptance
  • a sense of fulfillment, of being at home in one's body and on the earth

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Root chakra are; yoga, walking, hiking, running, biking and gardening

My next post will continue on with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Until then, enjoy the meditation and keep the affirmation at the tip of your Crown chakra.

with love and light. . .

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Meditation for Women

Meditation for Woman - The Wonderful Benefits and How to
Do It


Why Do Women Need to Meditate?

There are many women out there who have to be both
housewives and career builders, at the same time. And this
fact actually implies having two jobs, two stressful and
challenging jobs that require 100% devotion and care. It is
understandable why such efficient and dynamic women tend to
get tired, to become irritated, less joyful or weak. And
this is when meditation for woman is needed.

But besides all the above and besides the purpose of
finding the strength in order to be able to accomplish all
their roles (as wives, mothers, daughters) successfully,
there is one essential role that meditation for woman has:
it allows ladies to discover themselves and to remember
that, above all, they are women. Meditation gives women the
possibility of focusing on themselves for a change, to
discover their inner life, emotions and feelings and to
detach from all their additional roles.

What Good Does Meditation Do to Women?

But why is meditation so important to women especially?
The benefits that apply to both genders, such as a better
sleep, a better focus, better health and less worries or
less stress, meditation affects women in another positive
way: it can reduce a wide range of problems that affect
women only, such as the effects of the premenstrual
syndrome, tensions, migraines and even the stress caused by
emotional problems.

How to Find the Best Meditation Technique for Women

There are numerous available methods and techniques when
it comes to selecting the right meditation for woman. One
of the most popular choices is represented by the "free
your mind" type of meditation, which basically implies
letting go of the entire negative, stressful or
overwhelming thoughts, letting the mind "go silent". This
is the perfect meditation in case the woman wants to detach
from the daily worries and let her mind "breathe" and enjoy
quiet, lonely, moments.

In case the above method seems too boring or too hard to
apply, there is the meditation on a concept method, which
works great in case of women who want to rediscover
themselves and to create a more meaningful and personal
relation with the surrounding world. Basically, this method
implies focusing on a fact, event, value and letting the
thoughts come, develop and create meaningful scenarios.

Third of all, women the possibility of choosing active or
"still" meditation exercises. Walking meditation might be a
good idea for ladies, in case they tend to get bored when
standing still and meditating. But not any kind of walk is
the right walk.

Finding a suitable path in a natural environment, starting
with a good mood, taking a deep breath and enjoying all the
sensations are the basic steps that need to be followed.
Many women find this method the perfect one, considering
that they are used to being active and dynamic at all times
and can not simply stand still. In addition, walking is a
perfect exercise, so it can have a wide range of positive
effects upon mental and physical health.

If applied correctly and on permanent basis, meditation
for woman has a wide range of positive effects that imply a
better health, a better inner life and, in general, a
better and more enjoyable life.

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Manifest What You Truly Desire In Life?

We've created a FREE audio e-course with meditation
techniques to get you started. You'll get guided meditations
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happiness is important go to the link above for a free e-course,
just click the link to sign up


What Color is Your Aura

Mine is blue. While surfing through the net attempting to update Myspace pages,(Which I have a really bad time with myspace) . But I came across some more fun things for you to try that are spiritual based. Did you know that some people actually see Auras? An aura is an energy field that surrounds a persons body. We all have them and they change color with our reactions and feelings towards people, places and things. Our emotions determine the color of our energy field, and your energy centers, or chakras, as they are called, can actually effect your health and well being, which is reflected in your aura. Learning to balance your chakras and clearing your energy enables your body to stay strong and deflect illness. There are many books written on clearing of chakras. It's well known and used in natural and holystic healing societies. Essentially there are seven (7) and each chakra is associated with different emotions, internal organs and so on. I'll write more on the subject in my next few blogs but to get you started try this interactive questioner, of five (5) questions to see what your overall color is. . .


Your Aura is Blue

Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.

You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.

The purpose of your life: showing love to other people

Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah

Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor

Monday, May 5, 2008

What kind of Flower are you?

Spring has arrived and we are starting to think about what we would like to plant in our yards, patio pots and window boxes. So, I recently came across something that's quite fun and thought I would share it with you. Find out what kind of flower you are. . . Maybe it will help you to choose. . .
I'm an Echinacea , which reads;
"You are a health conscious person, both your health and the health of others. You know all about the health benefits and dangers of the world around you."

Funny, cause I love this flower. I used them as a backdrop behind our pond. The birds and bees loved them too. :-) It was always so relaxing to watch the bees gather pollen and the wrens liked the seeds. No wonder honey is so good for us.

I'll keep my eyes open for more fun things for you to partake in.

till next time. . .

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Beltane, Celtic festival of summer

Today we stand at the threshold of Beltane, the Celtic festival of summer, when the entire green world is charged with new life beneath the growing sun. In Ireland, Beltane (celebrated May 1st) was known as one of the three "spirit nights" of the year—along with Midsummer's Eve and Halloween—a time when the faeries rode out of their dwellings in the Hollow Hills within the Earth into the human world.
Until the 20th century, many people had encounters with faeries and lived side by side with them in quite a natural way. Some of these faery-seers descended from generations of country-dwellers who kept the old beliefs intact; others were visionaries, poets, and artists who refused to be influenced by the modern, materialistic worldview that, in William Blake's words, can only "see with, not thru, the eye."
The Nature of Faeries

A Guided Faery Medition With Mara Freeman But what are faeries and do they still exist today? Many people still think of them as the delightful, gauzy-winged creatures of children’s books—but this was not always so. Those faeries were a product of Victorian literature. Before that, there was a strong recognition throughout Europe of a host of sentient beings who are mostly non-physical entities, although they can be seen with the inner eye. What’s more, they knew that faeries do not dwell in a far-off realm, but live within the subtle dimension of our world, co-existing with us in the cracks of our everyday reality.

The Hawthorn tree, a common faery dwelling. Photo by Susa Morgan-BlackFaeries range from tall, beautiful, noble creatures to diminutive imps called "little people," with many shapes and sizes in between. There are solitary faeries, like the household brownie who looks like a small stocky man with a gray beard; leathery gnomes who dwell in forests and caves; "trooping faeries" who dance, sing, and feast together in the faery hills; and tribes of Cornish piskies, with red hair, pointed ears, and turned-up noses. One of the best explanations of what faeries are comes from an unlikely source, a 17th-century minister of the Church of Scotland: The Reverend Robert Kirk called them "a middle nature betwixt man and angel." They are creatures of light and energy, of "force" rather than "form," who can shift their shape as they please, unbound by laws of the physical world.

A Faery Encounter, Read by Mara Freeman All faeries are deeply connected to the living Earth. The Faery Queen spoken of in so many ballads and stories is a Celtic aspect of Gaia, the Earth Goddess. The faeries sometimes called "nature spirits" are involved with the processes of nature—birth, growth, decay, and the changing of the seasons—while "elementals" are responsible for cycles of water, earth, air, and fire. Other faery tribes interact more with the human world, bestowing gifts such as healing, music, and seership upon their favorite mortals.
Today, a new awareness of faeries is returning as people are awakening to the reality of worlds not normally apparent. It seems that, with the current crises on Earth, we are being called to reconnect with those beings of light with whom we once consciously shared our planet home. When we pollute, degrade, and destroy the land, sea, and skies, we are destroying their world, too; we tear apart the exquisitely woven tapestry of all creation. And so faeries are bringing messages from the Earth, urging us to change our ways from living in separateness to an awareness of our interconnectedness with all beings, visible and invisible.
I took this article from where I visit daily for the angel of the day and thought it would be nice to share with you on this special day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Being one with nature, I look forward to this process in spring to reconnect myself to the earth and natural surroundings I live in. It brings me to a place inside myself that reassures me that all is good in this human experience and helps me to stay grounded in this much to crazy world I live in. I've included a meditation link should you care to indulge yourself in this Beltane festival as well. Peace to you. . .

How to connect with faeries...

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