Sunday, May 18, 2008

Part II, Auras and Meditation series

I hope you enjoyed the meditation and information on the Root Chakra. Lets move forward to the Sacral and navel area Solar Plexus

"Here in this body are the sacred rivers; here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as sacred as my own body."

The second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is the focal point of our emotions, sexuality and creativity. It governs our sense of self-worth, how we relate to others (in a sexual as well as nonsexual way), and the confidence we have in our own creativity. This chakra concerns emotional flow: feelings, fluidity and openness. The essence of the Sacral Chakra is that of water, always flowing, never static. It represents grace and acceptance, an ability to "go with the flow". Color: orange, Element: Water, Location: lower abdomen, lower back, sexual organs. Associated body parts: hips, lower back, sexual organs, bladder, kidneys, stomach, bodily fluids (tears, urine, blood, menstrual fluids), Basic issues: pleasure, sexuality, sensuality, emotions, intimacy, warmth, creativity, confidence. Gemstones and crystals: moonstone, orange tourmaline, tigers eye, Flower essences: basil, hibiscus, lady's slipper, Essential oils: jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, Food: liquids ( water, juices, teas)
Major issues of the imbalance of the Sacral Chakra are sexual problems or dysfunction, fear of intimacy, inability to feel pleasure, emotional repression, fear of change or inability to change. Guilt may become an overriding theme in life. We may experience either lack of emotional energy or emotional explosiveness:
Signs of an unbalanced second chakra:
  • Emotional or mental issues: out of touch with feelings, overly emotional or poor boundaries with other people as well as overt sexuality, excessive attachment, frustration, a tendency to be manipulative
  • Physical issues: gynecological problems, impotence, frigidity: kidney, bladder or urinary problems, stiff lower backache
  • Common addictions: sex, work, relationships, sugar

When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, we feel confident and able to relate to others in an open, friendly manner. We can feel and freely process our emotions, allowing ourselves to find balance in our lives and appreciate the yin-yang of our existence. We are adaptable, feel creative and are turned in to the stream of life's energy.

A balanced second chakra bring:

  • an enjoyment of pleasurable activities without guilt
  • a sense of surrender and of not having to be in control
  • a strong connection to others while maintaining clear boundaries
  • an ability to express and exhibit healthy emotional behaviors

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Sacral Chakra: getting a massage, enjoying favorite music, a bubble bath and doing gentle yoga

A mantra for the Sacral Chakra," I am able to surrender my fears"

Third Chakra, Navel Solar Plexus

" The measure of your holiness is proportionate to the goodness of your will"

The third chakra, the Navel Solar Plexus, is associated with Identity and self-esteem. Known as the "power center" this is the area of assertiveness, intuition and inner drive. The Navel Solar Plexus Chakra controls digestion and metabolic systems, processing energy and giving us our spark that we need to overcome inertia and apathy. It allows us to assert our personal power and follow our gut instinct, take risks and make decisions. It's Color: golden yellow, Element: fire, Location: abdomen, Basic issues: ego, self-esteem, vitality, forcefulness, perception, Associated body parts: Stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, Gemstones and crystals: citrine, jasper, topaz, Flower Essences: chamomile, goldenrod, pink yarrow, Essential oils: black pepper, ginger, peppermint, Food: complex carbohydrates ( whole grains, beans)

An unbalanced Navel Solar Plexus Chakra may manifest itself in low self-esteem, little or no vitality, hypersensitivity to criticism or being overly critical of others. Evident may be a feeling of uncertainty, rage, or dominance; a tendency toward perfectionism; power plays; and an emphasis on professional and social status.

Signs of an unbalanced third chakra include;

  • Emotional or mental issues: anger, fear of rejection, poor self-esteem, indecisiveness, powerlessness, compulsiveness, resentment and greed
  • Physical issues; digestive problems, food allergies, diabetes, ulcers, liver problems, jaundice, hepatitis, gallstones, adrenal imbalances, arthritis
  • Common additions: sugar, caffeine, food, and compulsive cleaning

When the Navel Solar Plexus is balanced, we are energetic and confident. We are in touch with our personal power, able to follow through on ideas and see tasks through to completion. The war fire of the Solar Plexus chakra shines brightly, allowing us to feel cheerful, vital, strong and alive.

A balanced third chakra brings;

  • a strong sense of identity and healthy self-respect
  • a willingness to persevere
  • an ability to trust one's instincts
  • a sense of belonging

Beneficial activities to promote and maintain a balanced Navel Solar Plexus Chakra; power yoga, aerobics, swimming, power walking and hiking

A strong mantra for the Navel Solar Plexus Chakra would be "My power radiates from the center of my being"

For some good books and cd's on balancing of chakras, chakra meditations and yoga, I recommend Hay House as an awesome source. Their link can be found in "favorite links"on my sidebar.

I hope you've enjoyed this post and I will continue with the Heart and Throat Chakras in my next post, until them. . .

Have a good week.
with love and light. . .

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