Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Auras and Meditation

I promised to touch base on chakras but first I would like to give you a general overview of why we clear and balance our chakras. Let's go back to the aura. Although the aura exists outside of the body, it is connected to and encloses the seven chakras, therefore, is often thought of as the "eighth chakra". This protective shield surrounds the body, changes shape, size and color depending on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and on whether the chakras are integrated and balanced. Normally, it extends several feet beyond the body in all direction. When the aura is small, dark and close, it represents a weakened state in which we are prone to physical, mental and emotional illness or distress. When our aura's are large, we are better able to protect ourselves from disease, slander and stress of everyday life. On days when everything, no matter how hard you try, bothers you, your aura is small and close , conversely, when your feeling top of the world where slings and arrows have no effect, your aura is strong and large.
Activity plays a large role as they promote and maintain a vibrant and strong aura, those include: meditation, yoga, a healthy diet, rest and achieving balance between work and play.
To complete your chakra work, visualize and connect with your aura. Imagine this protective shield around you becoming stronger, brighter and more beautiful and vibrant. Feel your aura grow and expand as you claim your right to health, harmony and happiness on every level. Focus on the following affirmation
"I am protected by the strength of my being"

I would like to bring you to the following meditation which will help to clear and balance your chakras and with it, I will also bring you a short understanding of what each chakra is for, it's color and placement in your body. The meditation goes like this;
Focus on the vibration of the Crown chakra, the sound of silence, for three long, slow, deep breaths. Sit of lie down in a comfortable position, eyes closed, with your back straight. Begin the journey up the back of your spine as you visualize the vibrations of;
  • Deep red Root energy and the sound of o; focus on it's essence, safety. Feel safe
  • Burnt orange Sacral energy and the sound of ooo; focus on its essence, creativity. Be creative
  • Bright yellow Navel Solar Plexus energy and the sound of ah; focus on its essence, willpower. Trust your power
  • Emerald green Heart energy and the sound of ay; focus on its essence, love. Know love, love yourself
  • Light blue Throat energy and the sound of ee; focus on its essence, expression. Express yourself
  • Indigo Third Eye energy and the sound om; focus on its essence, intuition. Welcome intuition
  • Diamond White Crown energy and the sound of silence; focus on its essence, union. Unite with the Divine
  • Breathe deeply and reverse the journey, bringing the energy from the Crown chakra down to the front of the spine:
  • Repeat the affirmation; "I am protected by the strength of my being"


  • opens and balances all the chakras, allowing energy to flow
  • promotes grounding and a sense of complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connection
  • calms and clears the mind
  • slows respiration and heart rate

Description, properties and explanations are as follows;

The first chakra is the Root, deep red in color and is associated with our basic animal instincts of survival and self preservation, food shelter, health and scrutiny. It's the very foundation of our being. Our identity. Located in the base of the spine, this chakra relates to the principals of gravity, connecting us to our bodies, to the physical world around us and the ground below. Its essence is that of a rock, self sufficient and unto itself.

Color; Deep Red. It's element is earth. Associated body parts are anus, large intestine, adrenal glands, back, legs, feet and bones. Basic issues are safety, survival, shelter, groundedness, nourishment, self esteem, trust, boundaries and physical health. Gemstones are garnet, onyx, and smokey quartz. Flower essences are blackberry, clematis and corn. Essencial oils are bergamont, sandalwood and vetiver. Foods are, protein (soy, tofu, nuts and legumes).

Major issues of an unbalanced Root Chakra are feelings of isolation, abandonment and lack of trust. Fear may take control of our emotional and psychological health. We may feel uncomfortable and not present in our bodies, a sense of not being heard or noticed or of being totally alone. There may be difficulty manifesting what is needed in life (such as finding a good job, a home, a mate, attracting friends) along with a belief in scarcity (not enough money, food, clothes, happiness) and a conviction that material wealth is crucial.

Signs of an unbalanced first chakra;

Emotional or mental issues: fear, anxiety, insecurity, vulnerability, worry, grief, self-centeredness, disconnection, numbness, distrust, low self-esteem, greed

Physical issues:lower back pain, sciatica, obesity, anorexia, constipation, hemorrhoids, prostrate problems, varicose veins

Common Addictions; Food, alcohol and sex

When the Root chakra is balanced, the vital connection to life is strong and supported. Our foundation is secure. We feel safe, grounded, alive and peaceful

A balanced first chakra brings;

  • a sense of belonging and connection to others
  • an ability to trust and a sense of acceptance
  • a sense of fulfillment, of being at home in one's body and on the earth

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Root chakra are; yoga, walking, hiking, running, biking and gardening

My next post will continue on with the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. Until then, enjoy the meditation and keep the affirmation at the tip of your Crown chakra.

with love and light. . .

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