Saturday, May 31, 2008

Part VI, Auras, Chakras and Meditation

As we move into the forth and final post of the Chakra series, I would like to start you with a meditation which brings balance through the focus of breath. Breath is what brings us to life. It is the essence of that which we are. In focusing on your breath and becoming aware of it you will reach a deeper state of understanding of your connection to the God force within you. Let us begin by sitting with our legs bent and crossed at the ankles, spine extended, shoulders down away from the ears, eyes closed or downcast with your chin close to your chest.
  • Extend your arms to the side with your fingertips touching the floor
  • Inhale and raise both arms above your head. Bringing your fingertips together above your head
  • Turn your palms out and exhale as you lower your arms, bringing your fingertips back to the floor
  • Repeat this motion in cooperation with your breath as you visualise diamond white or violet universal light streaming from the the crown of your head and surrounding your body
  • Continue inhaling and exhaling, arms up and down for three more minuets

"I am balanced between earth and heaven."


  • Increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body
  • cleanses the blood, stimulates the nervous system and balances the glandular system
  • tones the abdominal muscles and strengthens the diaphragm
  • helps balance and move energy throughout the body

Starts to balance and strengthen the aura (eighth chakra) connecting physical matter to the spiritual realm

Third Eye Chakra

"Mysteries are not solved. The eye goes blind when it only wants to see why." - Rumi

The sixth chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, is associated with sight and seeing, both intuitively and physically. It is related to the energies of clear vision, intuition, light and spirit. It is through this chakra that we may tune in to the higher self in order to seek and receive inner guidance.

Color: indigo, Element: light Location: between and above the eyes, center the forehead, Basic issues: clairvoyance, telepathy, wisdom, connection to the higher self, imagination, dreams, ideas, reasoning, Gemstones: amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire, Flower essences: lavender, madia and Queen Ann's Lace, Essential oils: clary sage, lavender and lemon, Food: air (greens, green drinks or teas)

Major issues of an unbalance Third Eye Chakra include an inability to see the big picture and to keep and open mind. We may tend to follow illusionary ideas and have difficulty separating fact from fantasy. Reasoning and clear thinking, judgement, memory and concentration may be impaired.

Signs of an unbalanced sixth chakra include:

  • Emotional or mental issues; fuzzy thinking, confusion, intellectual stagnation or decline and aimlessness
  • Physical issues: headache, sinusitis, brain tumors, stroke, blindness, vision problems, learning disorders, anxiety disorders
  • Common addictions: shopping, possessiveness, cult behaviors

When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, we feel intellectually at the top of our game. Our imagination soars and we are in tune with and are able to draw upon out intuitive powers of reasoning. We are able to positively and realistically perceive and visualize the future. Because this chakra allows us to see beyond the material world, our psychic and telepathic abilities may be heightened.

A balanced sixth chakra brings:

  • an ability to think clearly
  • a comfortable detachment from worldly goods
  • an ability to trust our inner guidance to "know the unknowable"
  • attunement with our intuitive abilities

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Third Eye Chakra: keeping a dream journal, a conscious awareness of coincidences and serendipitous occurrences, meditation

Crown Chakra

"Sages speak of the immutable Tree of Life, with it's taproot above and it's branches below" - Bhagavad Gita

The seventh chakra, the Crown Chakra, is known as the "thousand petaled lotus", the symbol of purity and spirituality. It is our highest energy center, both in terms of physical location and rate of vibration. This chakra represents liberation, bringing great knowledge, deep understanding, inner wisdom and a connection to the highest state of enlightenment and spiritual growth. It represents union with the higher self, the cosmos and the Divine. Color: white or ultra violet, Element: energy, Location: top of the head, Associated body parts: center of the head and brain (frontal) Basic issues: wisdom, intuitive knowing, spiritual development, humanitarian, selflessness, connection to the divine, universal higher consciousness Gemstones and crystals: black opal, diamond, quartz crystal, sunstone, Flower essences: Lotus, star tulip, yarrow, Essential oils: frankincense, geranium, sandalwood, Food: none (fasting, ingest only water, juices)

Major issues of an unbalanced Crown Chakra are lack of purpose, loss of meaning, indifference and depression. An attunement to materialism is central and ethical or moral beliefs may be weak. We may feel disconnected from the flow of life and nature. Spirituality is nonexistent or we may have an unquestioning adherence to religious dogma

Signs of an unbalanced seventh chakra:

  • Emotional or mental issues: worry, depression, psychosis, insanity
  • Physical issues: cranial and cerebral illnesses; skin problems, chronic exhaustion, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environment
  • Common addictions: psychotropic and mind altering drugs, material acquisitiveness

When the Crown Chakra is balanced, it opens us to a profound awakening, like the lotus blossom when it opens. It connects us to our innate spiritual nature, as well as to the Divine or cosmic consciousness.

A balanced seventh chakra brings:

  • fulfillment of one's destiny
  • enhanced sense of of the spiritual
  • access to the subconscious and the unconscious realms
  • a sense of bliss

Beneficial activities that promote and maintain a balanced Crown Chakra: silent meditation, chanting and conscious breathing

I recently purchased a CD, guided meditation called "Journey though the Chakras" by Colette Baron-Reid which takes you to a place, that she refers to as Sanctuary, on a beach where you connect with all the chakras through gemstones that you pick up. The CD is a 45 minuet meditation, which is most relaxing yet energizing and aids in reducing that inner turbulence which comes with everyday stresses we encounter. I truly enjoyed her version of Chakra cleansing and highly recommend it to those who are beginning to find their way into the realm of spirit.

I will continue to post meditations for you to use from time to time, in the mean time, have a wondrous day and remember to take time for yourself, to just sit and breath in the fresh air in nature and connect to the earth in appreciation of all those gifts that too often go unnoticed. . . Who knows, maybe you'll encounter something new to your world.

with light and love. . .

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