Monday, August 25, 2008

Lucid Dreams, had any lately?

Lucid dreams, have you had any lately or are you unsure of what they are?
How can you make your dreams become your reality? Well, it takes some fine tuning but it can be accomplished. Have you ever had a Lucid Dream? Do you know what they are? Lucid dreams, simply put, are dreams that you have that you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming. It's like waking up in your dream, "Wow, I'm dreaming and I know this is a dream!" Do you or are you capable of directing your dreams, I mean, so that the outcome of the dream is exactly what you wanted it to be? It's an interactive dream, kind of like an interactive video game and you control the outcome. Lucid dreaming in a sense, is like living your dreams. It's the ultimate in visualization. Dream it, see it play out the way you would actually like to see something happen and then it becomes reality. Like your thoughts become things, so do your dreams, because we think about them in our awake time . This is really a lot of fun. Would you like to learn more? William Ember has this really cool e-course on learning to lucid dream. Just follow this link and check it out. He offers a free introductory e book explaining this whole course on Lucid Dreaming and what it can do for your life.

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