Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Have you Met Your" Worry Angel"?

I have been working with Angel's for many years now. Last night I joined a renowned Angel Guide by the name of Kate Large. Maybe you have heard of her, she publishes a news letter on Angel Readings that she does from her website named Spiritual Whispers, she also sends out daily inspirations called Soul Kisses. Kate is running a free 5 Day Mini Vacation that you may sign up for at http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=7SKAA&m=3fnmavb3wQbnken&b=mQFDbyvC0iBvCxQBnbeT2w
Last night during the grounding meditation we met our Worry Angel. Lloyd presented himself to me before the meditation began so I had a head start of knowing who he was before we got started. This was a wonderful experience for me and it just goes to show me how the work I do outside my home (as a Restaurant Manager) has taken me so far from my path of working with Angelic Energy. He helped me to understand the trap I have lived in for the last five years, being away from the strength and guidance of the Angelic realm, opening a whole new or old way of looking at my world for me.
I have made a commitment to Lloyd, that I will not see him unemployed, keeping him close to me while I go through yet another life changing experience knowing that I will be free of worry because that's his job, to handle all and anything I might worry about. You see Worry serves no purpose in our lives except to take up precious time. Ask yourself, what has worrying ever done for you? Did it get you to were you wanted to be? Did it make things move along more quickly? And in the end, did you manifest what you worried about?  Exactly!
So you need to give your worries to your Worry Angel and live your life filled with joy and expectation. Expect miracles everyday and they will show up. I write them down everyday so that I keep myself aware of the miracles so when I ask for something that I need or want. How about a miracle Journal. I have been doing 30 Days to Miracles for a few years and it always amazes me that the Angels manage to bring me everything I ask for. Some things take a little longer depending on the size as it takes me longer to align my vibration to match what I am asking for.
Anyway, visit Kate, I am certain you will learn something wonderful from her.

till next time. . .

many blessings

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