Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mercury Retrgrade June 7th

Mercury went retrograde on June 7th and as in my last post, the winds of change have been blowing, now I am uncertain if I made the right choices at that point.
My whole world has done a 360 degree turn and with Mercury going retro I sit here and wonder if I made the best choices for my future.
You know how sometimes things just get going in the wrong direction, not with in the plans you had originally intended to see come about in your life? And all of a sudden you feel like you were tricked into something you would have never done in the way it all happened. Don't get me wrong, I totally trust the Universe when it comes to my well being and ability to move forward with a better plan for me. Mercury retrograde had made me second guess myself. So I am taking an on line seminar with Bob Proctor, who is a master manifestor and he will share his knowledge for absolutely free on how to change your mind set but you must sign up fast as this course starts June 9th, which is tomorrow. So join me and click this link to get on board with a man who knows how to make it all happen.

Hope to see you there. . .
many blessings

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