Thursday, September 25, 2008

Encounters with Spirit, Watch and listen

Last Friday night as I was driving home from work at 3:20 am, I was thinking about the craft fair I needed to be ready for at 7am. With the time passing fast and much to do I was driving down the road I live on and my stomach just started to flip. I checked my mirrors to make sure I wasn't being pulled over by a police officer and watched the sides of the road very carefully as that sick feeling is usually a cop or deer in my pathway. As I came around the bend in the road by the apple orchard, I saw it come up onto the road, much to my surprise it was an albino doe. I had never, in my life seen one alive, let alone so close that I could touch it. As I slowed way down I saw the doe linger along the driveway to the orchard and stopped my truck to take a longer look at her. She stood so perfectly still and as I backed my truck up I was much surprised that she actually turned and came closer to me. I just sat and watched her as she stood there looking at me with such wonder in her eyes. Her curiosity of my appearance there was just too amazing. As I spoke to her she cocked her head as if she was listening to what I was saying to her. Her face lit up with curiosity of my conversation towards her, and as I was speaking to her she drew even closer to the side of the road. I was so filled with a mutual love and warmth that it seemed to fill and ingratiate the entire cab of my truck, now excited, I laughed out loud and she looked at me as if she understood my pleasure, then she turned and slowly walked until she disappeared into the cover of the trees. I was so filled with gratitude for this extraordinary encounter with one of the most elusive and magnificent creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon. Here now a week later, I still watch for her to reappear, but knowing I probably will never see her again. I thank God everyday for the beauty and the life that surrounds me here in this rural area of Wisconsin. I have seen many deer since then and I am quite certain that another encounter like that one is highly unlikely. I recorded this in my journal and wonder just what did this all mean. Did her pure white coat hold some significance? Did the unusual encounter mean something? Is it my total appreciation for the lives of these creatures that brings these things about in my life? I am certain it will take awhile before I fully understand what and why but I am filled with gratitude for the gift. I know there is no such thing as coincidence but what does this mean I wondered.
Well, by 7:30am we arrived at the grounds to set up for the craft fair. The day went very well financially and we thoroughly enjoyed a day filled with music, fun and laughter. Our artwork was so well received by this small community that they asked us to attend again next year as they loved our presentation and the primitive art that we supplied for their fair.
So just maybe the pure white does appearance in my life was a preempt to the awesome day I was about to experience. A blessing of sorts. Or was it an angel? I'll leave that for you to decide. I just had to share this with you.
until next time. . .

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