Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fall, a festive time of year

It's hard to believe that the fall of year is upon us and soon the beautiful colors of this season will decorate the landscape. Oh what a sweet time of year it is. The schools are having their home coming dances and celebrations, the harvest is taking place in the fields across the mid west and apple picking is on the agenda. Soon Halloween and the little tricksters will be out in their costumes collecting treats. As we start to settle into the darkness of this time of year we are reminded that we, like everything around us has it's time of rest. The leaves soon will begin to fall, with it comes and the preparation for the stillness of winter to take place. The time change to " fall back" will be on November 2, the first Sunday of the month. And of course we start planning for our Thanksgiving celebrations.

In light of all this slowing down, it's a very good time to think about meditation if you do not meditate on a daily basis, then maybe you could give it a try. This is a very good time of year, before the hustle and bustle of the holidays to enroll in a class or take the time to read about it. Meditation soothes the soul and relieves stress. It helps you to connect to your higher self and calm your nerves. The benefits of meditation are remarkable and a way for you to enjoy this slower time of the year, when you have time to find comfort and give thanks for all you have in your life, your life goes more smoothly.

till next time


Ann Reilly said...

I like the look of your site! Been a whle since visited. HOw goes lInkreferral?! As I amno longer there...I added you site to my links page and would like you to add mine if you wish! thnks see here (my meditation video)

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Great post. I enjoy meditation for stress relief and to re-connect with my inner artist. Enjoyed your blog.

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