Friday, September 26, 2008

Spiritual Unfoldment

I recently became a member of a ning group called "Spiritual Unfoldment", it's a community started on and has evolved into it's own entity. Wow, it's growing fast and the people meeting in this group are there for the purpose to open themselves to ways of reaching your higher self through meditation, yoga, angel communications etc. The members so far all seem to be well versed with just a few beginners but we all have one thing in common, and that is Spiritual growth. Pamela, the head of this group is a Reiki Healer and like others they all have a profound presence in the healing arts. If you are interested in such a group, I encourage you to join us. The lessons are in the beginning first three stages, so it would be very easy to catch up at this point. There is a link at the bottom of my page, feel free to drop in and take a look around. I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone who is interested. I leave you with that for now. . .
with love and light. . .
till next time, have a wonderful day

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