Saturday, December 5, 2015

20 Days to Christmas 2015

20 Days till Christmas 2015
WOW! It's going to be a fast month that's for sure
When Thanksgiving rolls around it always seems like I have about 10 days to get ready. Between the energies of December this year which brought about migraine headaches and that "dazed and confused" feeling the first 4 days of the month, I feel like I am way behind.
Even though I'm usually working way too many hours this time of year being off has not been a pleasurable experience I'm sorry to report. Not having a job this time of year is really disheartening. It's not like I am collecting unemployment or anything so I guess my stress levels are a bit high and being away from the place I have called home for the last 27 years is way off 2.5 hours down the road.
I have a wedding to go to back home on the 12th of the month which really interrupts my holiday artistry season but I really have to attend this one and I'm feeling very heavy about the time away as I know I'll have to hurry home to get everything to the post office on Monday morning, adding stress to what should be an enjoyable time with friends and family since I won't be able to get back for the holiday. This will be the first Christmas in my granddaughters life that I will not be there to greet her on this miracle filled holiday so I'm not really looking forward to it this year as most.
So I'll pull up my big girl panties and go on with the day as I must save face and look like I am enjoying myself without her.
Adding to all that it's my 61st birthday on Christmas morning
So I know how to fix this, "Alexa! Play Christmas Music from Prime!" Ahh! That's better already, It's Beginning to Look alot Like Christmas, is such a old favorite of mine and makes me smile, funny how when you smile all your cares leave your space and things start to look so much better after all.

So if your feeling unhappy, stressed or lonely just turn on some old time Christmas Music and enjoy the memories of Christmas' past, relax with a cup of hot coco and a fuzzy blanket and just remember you are loved, thought about by others and enjoy the peace and quiet for a change
Hope your days are filled with lots of Christmas' Season Joy
Many blessings
till next time. . .

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