Saturday, December 26, 2015

Manifesting Merry Christmas Blessings

Manifesting Merry Christmas Blessings

Yep so it's the day after Christmas and I am manifesting Merry Christmas Blessings for that which I want more than anything. Bringing in the New Year 2016 and celebrating all I have done in my life and where I will go next is where my head is at today.
The full moon on Christmas night was absolutely beautiful, I kept walking outside to look at her, Luna!♥♥♥ I kept seeing myself exactly where I want to be and that's in a cabin in the woods with a well, (NO CITY WATER) barn and pine trees that surround the property. I know it sounds like my Bristol house and yes it would be pretty much like that one, except I want a whole barn this time so that it I have more workable space to run my business instead of messying up my living space all the time.
Dreaming is easy for me as I have lived my life as a dreamer (I was born on Christmas, what a magical day it is for me) but I have been lucky at getting what I wanted that way, so on to telling the Universe where I want to be next. I am making every effort to get there even though I will not fall into worrying about the cursed hows and just allow it to all happen for me.
I'll make sure to let you know when this happens as it could be tomorrow or not until next year but I will share it when it happens.
So, start your annual dreaming before the new year gets here and think yourself into the best place you can conjure up. Who knows, you just might land yourself there in the next couple of weeks
Many blessings to you. . .
Until next time

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