Monday, December 21, 2015

Merry Yule-The Winter Solstice began today December 21st, 2015

Merry Yule-The Winter Solstice began today December 21st, 2015
 I awakened this morning with a smile on my face and was filled with love & gratitude for this wondrous day
My Rune card for today is #8 Fertility- the birthing of New Beginnings
My chores are done, the bills are paid and now on to a magnificent dinner to celebrate this Yule Tide Blessing and the winter Solstice with a bit of Merriment.
I decorated my fireplace with birch (traditional Yule Logs) logs that were a gift from a friend which is also my Celtic Tree-as I was born on Christmas. I placed white candles and rock crystals on the mantel to celebrate my new beginnings today. I just love rituals! I was raised that way. Even though it wasn't something I was ever taught, it  was spirit that guided me to gather and my mom was just so accepting of my whimsy and excitement of it all. The gathering of  pine cones, birch branches, stones, rocks, shells or whatever made my heart sing. I can remember my sister who never participated in such things, would say to my mother, "Mom, she's doing it again!" My mother would always just laugh and say, "Oh Victoria, just leave her alone, let her decorate with what makes her happy!" and my sister would always give me that look like your stupid and I hate you! But it was ok that we were so very different after all and we still are to this very day.
I love this world I dwell in, it's peaceful, calm and filled with joy. Being this close to God is so comfortable for me and I honor every minuet of my day that I can spend there.
Enjoy the day and while relaxing tonight in your easy chair, close your eyes and think about the things you would like to see in your life for 2016 as it's the best day to plan for it. New beginnings
are abound for everyone who takes the time to set their intension and expand their container to make room to receive the new coming in.
Merry Yule to you this day and many blessings going forward, enjoy the solstice♥

till next time. . .

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