Thursday, November 12, 2015

New Moon 11-11-2015 Packed quite the punch

The New Moon 11-11-2015 Packed quite the punch yesterday and brought storms throughout the entire planet.
So are you ready to integrate the new energies that were downloaded and start seeing some really big changes in your lives? Good because things should start to look and feel very different going forward from here. Today is the day that everything will start to fall away based on your intentions for your future. You should have more energy, see things that were out of perspective more clearly and acknowledge that you are at a higher vibration which gives you an edge on manifesting your new reality. Keep those negative thoughts out of your head and start gravitating towards what you want to do with your life that is different from before, see yourself where you want to be opposed to wondering how you will get there and most of all share your positiveness with everyone you come into contact with because that is what will draw in the like minded to help raise that vibration a little more. Ever wonder; why do I keep attracting these weirdos into my life. Well it's your vibration so raise it up and find that you will start to attract a different kind of people, one's who resonate with you at your new vibration.
I used to wonder when I herd that statement, Raise your vibration, how the heck do I do that, what do they mean by raise your vibration and then after learning how I felt rather silly in questioning it but in case you are at that point, I'll explain a little bit to you and I know you'll catch on.
First of all, This is not rocket science! Upon awaking in the morning, instead of opening your eyes and dashing off to the bathroom, lay in bed and quietly look at the day ahead of you. What is your intention for this day, what gifts would be like the universe to bring you today? Imagine and visualize your day and the successes you will achieve today. Be happy in your thoughts cause when you dread, believe me dread will come to you. Open your heart and feel gratitude for the things you already have, good health, a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, and feel the warmth of gratitude come over you. This is how you raise your vibration, being happy in knowing what ever happens today you will get through it with flying colors. Now get up and do the things you do and be at ease that this will be a great day for you, even if you only get through it with no major catastrophes, in my world that means alot so go for it. Try it out cause when you change something in your routine to make your day better it will always work out for you and after 21 days it becomes a habit which means you have stopped doing something else that was attracting weirdos in your life
Many blessings to you this day and always. . .
enjoy your day

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