Monday, November 2, 2015

November Beauty in Midwest Wisconsin

November in Midwest Wisconsin is so beautiful this year. It is truly the place to be if you are seeking solstice in your life. A little down time, peace and quiet, sunny days and cool crisp nights where the stars feel like they're right on top of you. Reach . . ahh, I almost got it! The excitement every time I walk out my door into the night air, I just can't seem to be content inside the house, I just want to be under those glorious stars and talking to Luna, as she shines her light so bright in the night skies here. She illuminates the country side with her awesome glow and brings comfort to those who need her most. 
As the days grow shorter I spend much of my evenings sewing and then late night when Luna comes out to play I join her in her dance of the night. She has become my best friend and a comfort to my soul and like any real friend she is always there to talk to, even when you can't see her, you can feel her presence, that magnetic pull she has about her that just sucks you right in.
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, the final celebration of the harvest this year and a time of reflection of our lives before we move into the new year. What are you Thankful for? Take some time to review & dwell on it and then let it all go. . allowing yourself to expand and move to the next chapter of creating your new reality. Mine is much different then the past and I look ahead with an open heart & mind as I move forward to this part of the journey, with much gratitude for my beautiful life

Many blessings to you this holiday season. . .

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